part 10- A reunion

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"Jack what are you doing here?" My stomach starts to flutter. I am shocked to see my ex boyfriend stand before me. Before I had left for LA it had actually came out that Lewis had in fact cheated on me.    "Lily is that you?" He replies. I give him a small nod and he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. It broke my heart to find out that the person I had loved the most had cheated on me. He betrayed my trust. Jack was what I thought to be the love of my life. But about 6 weeks before I left he decided to tell me that he had cheated on me. I suppose I do owe him some respect for the fact he did actually admit it.

He is truly gorgeous. His blonde,messy hair is perfect. He has the bluest eyes you will ever see. He has an amazing fashion sense. But the thing that always had me falling head over heels was his scent he always managed to smell so nice. He would walk past me and I would almost fall to my kness, call me weird,I don't care.

After taking in Jack's usual smell again I pulled out of the hug and he stared at me and looked longingly into my eyes. Joe stood there uncomfortably. You see, Joe and Jack used to be best friends. That was until Joe messed around with Jack's sister and they had a full on fist fight. Blood and everything! Ever since that day when Joe took Becka's virginty Jack  hasn't been able to look at him in the same way.

"How have you been?" I ask as all three of us linger in the doorway of the restuarant.                                                                                                                                                           

"I'm good thankyou. I know this might sound like a shocker. But you remember Miley?" My heart stopped at her name. Miley was the school's own personal prostitute. She also happened to be the one who Lewis cheated on me with. See now why I don't like the girl? I nod whilst staying silent.         "Well me and her are having a baby, she's four months pregnant!" He screams like an excited kid. Wait four months pregnant? He so must have cheated on me more than once.... But hey ho. What is done is done.                                                                                                                                            "Awh congratulations." I say happily. I am truly happy actually. I mean I don't care for Jack in that way anymore anyway and it's nice to see him happy.                                                                               "Thanks Lils it means alot, right i have to go as Miley is waiting in the car and it wouldn't want to keep a hormonal,crazy pregnant person waiting." He winks. I wave him out of the door and follow Joe to our table.

"Sorry about that. I know it must be awkward." I murmur whilst picking up the menu.                             "It's fine,honestly it is. So what do you want to order?" He asks as the waitress comes over to our table. She looks like she's about in her mid-twenties. the way she is fluttering her eyelashes at Joe actually makes me want to punch her in the face. She is leant over the table so her boobs are in Joe's face too and he doesn't even look up from his menu which makes me giggle. This earns me a glare from the waitress who is named Zoe well that's what it says on her nametag.                                         "What do you want?" She asks me rudely.                                                                                               "She will have a salad." Joe answers for me which annoys me instantly. A friggin salad?                     
"No,sorry for the mix up but could I have the chicken enchiladas with the side of chips and garlic bread please." She raises her eyebrows. I'm sorry but some people do actually eat.                         
    "I'll have the same please." Joe hands back the menus and Zoe walks away.                                      

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