Part 21- That Hurts

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"Josie,you know I can't do that."

"Why not?" She groans.

"It wouldn't be fair on the person."

"Lils, I don't mean a real rebound. I mean a fake one of course. Joe. He's basically your stepbrother, he will help. Just tell him it would mean getting back at Noah. Put some pictures on insatgram, tweets, change your relationship status on facebook,do whatever you have to make that son of a bi..."

"That's enough Jos." I laugh through my tears.

There's a knock at the door and Joe stumbles in.

"Right, I don't see the problem with them sanitary towels." He says abruptly.

"What?" Josie howls with laughter.

"Surely super absorbent is good, I know they'd be the ones I would use." Joe grumbles.

"Do you have a large pelvis Joe?" I raise my eyebrow and he blushes so I pinch his cheek.

"We need your help Joe." Josie blurts out. "I need you to be Lil's rebound."

"A fake relationship?" He asks.

"I guess you could say that, we need to show Noah what he's lost and what he is missing out on." Josie explains.

"Of course I will." He pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek. Josie covers her eyes sarcastically.

"KEEP IT PG GUYS!" She moans. Her phone rings and she groans as she looks at the caller Id. "No mum, yes mum, no mum, for goodness sake mum, no i shouldn't have spoken like that, yes mum I am sorry, no mum I do not regret it. Yes mum I will come back to that prison now that we call home,of course I will." I cover my mouth as I try to keep in the laugh. After hanging up she looks at me, breathes a sigh of relief and grabs her bag. "I'll have to see you later Lils, the royal bitc... "

"That's enough Jos." I chucke.

"Okay, the royal horrible mum is awaiting my presence."


"Let's watch a movie." Joe says as he leads me to the movie room.

I plonk myself onto the sofa as he sits by the DVD rack.

"What film then?" He asks.

"Give me some options douchebag."

"White Chicks?"

"HOLD MY POODLE, HOLD MY POODLE!" I fricken love that film. "It's great I know all of the words."

"Okay,so we are not watching that as he chucks it to the side. What about Mean Girls?"

"That is sooooo fetch." I say whilst twirling my hair around my finger and looking dazed.

"How to lose a guy in 10 days?"

"Our love fern, its dead." I cry.

"Are there any films you don't know the words to?" He chuckles. And let me tell you, its a sexy little chuckle.

"50 shades?" I suggest.

"I'll be honest I've wanted to see it now for ages so you can be my excuse." We find it on the cinema page and I settle into the couch with a blanket. Joe fetches the popcorn and sits by my side. I must admit, you would think it would be a little awkward but it's not. It's cosy.

He looks anxious and like he's debating whether to get closer so I make the move and snuggle myself under his arm. I get my phone out as I realise Noah needs to see this. I know I must sound like a bitch right now but he should've never pretended he cared. I turn the camera round so it's facing us and Joe kisses my temple as I smile lightly. I post it onto Instagram and Facebook, I'm petty I know.

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