Part 3

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Noah's POV:

"What has your mother done now?" My dad says says shaking his head.

"Only friggin gone on holiday for 6 months,she didn't even tell me she left me a note. So social services figured it out and I was sent here."

"It's not that I'm not pleased for you to be here but aren't you legally allowed to live alone?"

"I should be able to,but as I've been to jail a few times apparently I'm not worthy of the trust." I sneer at this comment. I wouldn't say I'm atrociously behaved. Well,I've only been to prison a few times. I turn to look behind my dad to find Lily Ann has just gone to sit down in the living room. I hate that bitch. But she's hot as hell!

"Well come on in then son, we had already sorted a room out for you just incase anyway."

"What do you mean we?"

"Oh yes,Noah, I have met a lovely lady and her daughter lives here too." With that an attractive woman comes to the doorway and stands over dad's shoulder. "This is Sarah, we are engaged Noah! I know it might seem like a surprise but you will soon get used to do it, please don't be mad." My dad says worriedly. I must admit I feel like my father is slightly scared of my presence.

"dad,calm down,I'm happy for you. But I have to ask why is Lily here?"

"You know Lily? How lovely!" Sarah chimes in.

"Lily Ann is Sarah's daughter." You mean me and Lily Ann are going to be STEPSIBLINGS?!

"Why?" I ask.

"What do you mean Noah?" My dad says sternly.

"Why? Why did it have to be her?"

"You're being extremely rude Noah. Now come in and we will all have dinner up the table like a family."

"Lils, come through and have dinner." Sarah shouts to the living room.

"But mum I'm in the middle of an episode."

"Pause it then."

"Oh yeah." I hear Lily's cute little laugh.

With that she walks through to the dining room and her mother ushers her to take the seat next to me. I hear her grunt but I don't think Sarah or dad do.

We sit up the table and eat the roast that Sarah prepared for us.

"This is delicious Sarah." I say politely. I'm a kiss up I know.

Lily-Ann's POV:

"This is delicious Sarah." Noah says. What a creep. Marcus gives him a proud look and I want to gag.

"Thankyou very much Noah, that's very kind."

"Cut the crap mum." I say annoyed.

"excuse me?" She says placing her fork down.

"He's sucking up so you prefer him to me."

"Do you two not get along?" Marcus asks.

"We did,but then he wanted to get in my pants so I declined now he hates me."

"Noah always did have a 'special' love life." He says using air quotations around the word special.

"I'm done,can I get down now please?" I ask rudely.

"Lily! Can you show Noah to his bedroom please?"

"I'm sure I can find my way sar..."  My mum cuts him off.

"I insist,you two need to build a better relationship." We both grunt and leave the table. It seems like we have to walk half a mile to actually exit the dining room. I try and walk fast but Noah is hot on my tail.

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