Untitled Part 22

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I stare at my reflection in the mirror as I attempt to get ready for the party. Joe told me I need to look 'sexy' as he can't be seen without someone who's not. He's nothing like Noah. Noah used to be proud to have me. He used to want to show me off, no matter what I looked like. I could've been in jogger bottoms, a hoodie and had no makeup on and he would've still described me as beautiful. It hurts knowing he never loved me and it hurts knowing I still do; feelings don't go away that fast. I should've known, he likes being the player, he never wanted to settle. That's not Noah. He's fun, outgoing, he's what they would call a 'lad'. But he was my lad. He was my Noah. The thought of him sleeping around or being with anyone who's not me, rips me to shreds. I don't just want him;I need him.

I look through my wardrobe and look at my body as I stare in the mirror. I can see I've lost weight but it's still not enough. I find a pair of black skinny jeans and a diamond embroided shirt. I slip into it and it actually makes my figure look a lot more presentable.

Joe walks in and his jaw drops when he sees me. However, I know it's not for a good reason. "Did I not tell you sexy?" He moans. I stare dumbfounded at the useless boy in front of me.

"I'm sorry,is this not good enough?"

"Lils,that's the kind of thing you would wear to a dinner with the family. Now wait here whilst I fetch something from Lilah's room, and what I say goes, so you will wear it." As he walks away a tear rolls down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away. Why am I feeling this crappy? Joe is a real hard piece of work. He's also a lad. But there is only one side to him. The dickish side.

He walks in holding a red dress that will barely cover my backside. I start to shake my head and he just stares at me angrily so I take it from his hold and turn to get dressed.

"Erm, get out."

"Why should I?" He questions. "You're my girlfriend therefore I will watch you get changed and embrace it." I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Have you been drinking already Joe?"

"So what if I had?" He passes me the bottle of vodka. I debate about it. But I think I'm going to need it to survive this party. I swig for atleast 7 seconds and it burns the whole way down. I can already feel it starting to go to my head as I start taking off my clothes to put the dress on. I know Joe is sat there but it's like I don't even care. He stares at me hungrily. As i tug it over my body I look in the mirror disappointed but he looks astounded. I quickly run the curler through my hair and apply some makeup. After grabbing a clutch and turning towards my converse Joe pulls my hand back. He stares at my lips and crashes this down onto mine. And considering we have finished a whole bottle of vodka between us within half an hour I don't resist. I know what he is going to want and I hope I have enough willpower to say no.

We get in the taxi on the way to whoever's party it is and we pull up in front of a mansion. I stumble out of the backseat and fall onto the curb. Giggles erupt throughout me. "Did you do that Joey boy?"

"Do what sweetcheeks?"

"push me out of the taxi." He laughs and shakes his head and walks us inside. It doesn't seem fair as he does not seem as intoxicated as me. Although he's probably used to it.

The boys stare as I walk in but there seems to only be 9 people at this party. Hang on let me count. 1...2....4....5....9... yeah 9 people.

We plonk ourselves down in the circle.

*Noah's Pov***

"Steve where are they?"

"They were headed to a party up near the park, please Noah, I've never seen Lily like that before,she was off her head and i think you need to get there before anything happens"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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