Chapter 27

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Pulling into the driveway of my new home, I can see that the moving truck is here. I get out of my truck and open the front door so they can start unloading my stuff. Some boxes go upstairs, some go down to the basement along with my exercise machine. When they are done I sign the papers so they can charge me and I hand them all a tip for a job well done. When they leave, I stand alone in the foyer and think where to start first. I head up to the bedroom to unpack my clothes and some toiletries. I also unpack the few framed photos I have. I take them down to the living room and put the one of me, my mom and dad on the mantle next to a picture of me and Gina. The other two I don't know where to put so I leave them on the coffee table, maybe Gina can help me with that later. What I'd really like to do is start on my Emma Cave, but I'll wait for Regina. I want her to enjoy it to. I'm surprised to hear keys in the lock. I look at the time and it just after five. Wow. This day went by fast. I stand in the foyer as Regina walks into the house. I hold my arms out to the side and with a big smile, I say. "Honey I'm home". Regina laughs and quickly walks up to me and gives me a deep kiss. "Im so happy your home my love". She gives me another kiss then I help her off with her coat. "So what needs to be done my love?"  "Not much really. I finished everything upstairs. I put a picture up on the mantle of me and my parents. I hope that's ok".   "Of course it is dear. You can put a picture where ever you like". I smile. "I have two more that I don't really know where to put, maybe you have an idea". "Sure. Can I see them?"  I nod and we go into the living room and I show her. "Emma. I love this picture".   "Thanks that's me and my dad from I graduated from the police academy". Regina thinks a moment then something hits her and a big smile comes on her face. "I have a wonderful idea of where this can go, if you don't mind". I shrug as Regina starts to walk away. I follow her into her study. She goes over to an end table that already has a picture on it and puts the one of me and my dad next to it. "What do you think dear?"  I walk over and look at them, then I look at Regina and smile. "That is a picture of me and my father at my college graduation. I think the pictures look good together".  "I agree". I'm holding the last picture in my hand. It's another one of me and my parents. Regina says. "We could put that up in our bedroom if you like Emma". I give her a look and she says "Or maybe not".   "I'm sorry Regina. It's a good idea but I don't really like family photos in the bedroom". She gives me a confused look. "I can explain, and basically what it comes down to that the last thing I want to see while we are having sex is my parents staring at me". She let out a big laugh. "I know it sounds crazy, but picture this, we're going at it hard and I smack your ass, when all of a sudden you turn your head and see my mom looking at you. Boom the mood is gone". She's not laughing so hard anymore, but I start to. "You have a wonderful point my love. How about we put it living room?"  "Perfect". We decided to go out to Granny's for dinner. Sitting in a booth looking over the menu, Ruby comes over. "Hey guys, hows it going?" I answer first. "It's going great Ruby, really great".  "Well that's nice to hear. Can I get you guys something to drink?"  Regina asks for an ice water and I get a ginger ale. When Ruby comes back we are holding hands on top of the table. She smiles as she puts the drinks down and she says "You two are so cute together".   We smile and Regina says "Thank you Ruby". She then takes our order and walks away. "So Emma, have you started on your cave yet?"  "No, but I really wanted to".  "Then why didn't you? Emma I told you this is our home now. I want you to be comfortable sweetheart. You have some ideas for that room, so go with it".  "I know, but I want you to enjoy the room too. It's not really fair if I make it all me". "Of course it's fair my love, I have my office and the study. You can have your cave for your video games and to watch your sports and whatever else you want". "I love you so much Regina. How did I get so lucky?" Just then Ruby walked over with our dinner. "Ok, here is the chicken parmigiana for Regina and chicken broccoli fettuccine Alfredo for Emma. And here is some fresh Parmesan cheese if you'd like to sprinkle more on the top, Emma". Her and Regina laugh. "What? So I like the cheese". They continue to laugh and Ruby walks away.

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