Chapter 22

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The captain took me and about ten others for drinks. It was really great to hang out with everyone before I leave. I've worked with most of them for about eight years. When I got home I called Regina and told her everything. She's so happy that I'll be moving in sooner. I've been slowly packing some stuff. I've got about seven boxes filled up. It's 6:30 on Thursday night and I hear a knock at my door. I wonder who that is. I open the door "Holy shit".  "Well thats a lovely greeting my dear". Regina walks in and kisses me. "I'm sorry babe. I'm just surprised. I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow".  "Well I was able to finish everything up and the meeting I had for tomorrow was postponed so I packed a bag and came to surprise you". We kiss again. "Well it worked babe. I'm glad you are here".  We cooked dinner together then we did more packing. Now we are just hanging out watching a movie. "So Emma, are you sure you don't want to take any of your furniture". "Well I really don't need it, unless you wanted something". She shakes her head. "What have you decided to do with it?"  "I know of an organization that helps women and their children find apartments to get them away from their abusive partners. They are always looking for donations. So I called them up and they will be here Monday afternoon to get everything. When I told them what I had they couldn't believe it. They said I was helping out at least five families, maybe more".  "Oh my god Emma, that's so wonderful".    "Thanks. I bought most it at discount stores and consignment shops so it's not like I spent a fortune on it".  The next morning when I went to work Regina came with me. It's my last and she wanted to say hello to Captain Newell. We get off the elevator on the fourth floor and walk into my squad room. "SURPRISE !!!!"  Is yelled out and it startled me. "What the hell is this?"    "Well Emma this is a going away surprise party for you". My captain said to me. "Wow. I can't believe this. Thank you all so much".  Everyone from my unit was there as well as others from the different departments that I've worked with. Even my mom and dad were there. "Hello sweetheart. I'm so happy for you". "Hi dad, hi mom". I say as they both came over to hug me. "Mom, dad I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Regina Mills. Regina these are my parents David and Mary Margaret Nolan".  They all shake hands and exchange pleasantries. I introduce Regina to some others then we have some coffee and pastries. My captain walks up and gives Regina a hug. "It's so nice to see you again Regina. It's been a long time".  "Yes it has Jack. And it's nice to see too".  An hour later things start winding down as everyone starts to go back to work. "Swan. Can I see you in my office?"  I nod and leave Regina with my parents. "I'm not really expecting you to work today so if you want, we can just go over some quick paperwork and you can be on your way".  I nod. I sign a few documents and hand over my firearm. When everything was done we both stand and I pull my badge from my belt and look at it for a moment. I glide my thumb across it then hand it over. "Captain Newell it's been a pleasure to work for you sir". I hold out my hand for him to shake but he hugs me instead. "Keep in touch Swany and take good care of Regina and that baby, because if you don't I know her father would expect me to kick your ass. Got it". I laugh a bit. "That won't be a problem I promise".  I walk out of the office and go to Regina and my parents. Regina kisses my cheek. "Everything ok darling?"  "Yup. All good. I'm all done here".  My dad says "Emma we are so proud of everything you have accomplished so far in you life".  I smile and say "Ok. Let's not get all mushy". My mom says "If you both don't have plans for this evening, would you like to join us for dinner at our place?" Regina quickly speaks for us. "That's sounds lovely thank you. We would love to".  "Great see you at six". My mom says then her and my dad hug us and leave.

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