Chapter 23

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It's 5 o'clock and Regina and I  are getting dressed. "Emma, can you please help me with this zipper?" Regina walks over to me while I'm buttoning my shirt and turns around. I lift the zipper on her dress and let out a sigh. "Emma, are you upset that I accepted to this dinner with your parents? You haven't really said much since we left your work". I sigh again and say. "I'm not mad that we are having dinner with my parents. I love them and I know you should get to know them, but I was hoping for some alone time for us. It's been over a week since we've, Well you know, been intimate". She lets out the biggest laugh I've ever heard her laugh. "Gee thanks. I was so going for a joke there". I walk away and sit on the bed and hang my head down. She walks over and sits next to me. "Oh Emma my love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun. I swear. Baby I'm here all weekend, and after this weekend we don't have to be apart again. I just agreed to this dinner because I'd like to get to know your parents".   "I know, I don't know why I feel cranky. I guess I just missed you so much over the last few days I didn't want to share you". She kisses me and says. "My love there is nothing to share. I am yours. Always".  We kiss again and finish getting dressed. On our drive over we didn't talk much, just held hands and listened to the radio. "Emma".  "What's up babe?"   "Have you told your parents I'm pregnant?" I turn down the radio a bit. "Please don't get upset, but no I haven't". She says in a louder voice than I was expecting. "May I ask why not Emma?"  I pull into a small strip mall that's on the way to my parents house and park in a spot. Once my truck is in park I turn to Regina. "Baby. It's not that I'm afraid or ashamed to tell them. I'm just don't want to jinx this. I love you so much and I'm so excited that you and I are having a baby, but I will be honest with you, I'm so scared. Before I was adopted by the Nolan's, I had nothing and no one that cared for me. Now I have you, and I love you so much that it's scares me, and now we have a baby coming. Regina you have now idea how much that says to me. In my head that means I'm going to have my own family. You and I will get to give this child all the love and hope and everything else a child needs. All the things I never had or felt growing up. I didn't tell them because if by some reason our child, god please for bid, doesn't make it to term, I guess I just don't want to see the sadness in their eyes for me, like I did when they first got me". We are both crying now, but I continue. "Gina I want this with you so much. I want you so much". She kisses me and says. "Thank you for telling me all that Emma. I respect you decision to not tell them yet". Then she holds me so tight, and we cry a bit more. After a few minutes she starts to move away from me and says. "I think we need to go dear. We are already late". She said with a cute little laugh. I back out of the parking spot and continue to my parents house. I pull in the driveway of my parents ranch style home. "Emma it's beautiful".  It's a blue single story with a big yard. Walking through the front door I say. "Hey, we're here". My dad comes walking in from the living room that's off to our right. "Hey you two, come on in". He says as he hugs us. "Hi dad. Where's mom?"  "She's".   "I'm right here honey". My mom says as she comes over and hugs us. "Dinner is almost ready, would you like something to drink?"  My mom asks as we all follow her into the kitchen. My dad says. "Beer for you Emma?"   "Sure thanks dad".  "Regina what would you like? We have beer, wine, whiskey, Rum, soda, juice and bottled water".  "Actually water would be lovely. Thank you".   "Coming right up".  "Do you need help with anything Mrs. Nolan?"   "Regina please call me Mary Margaret. And no thank you everything is almost done. Emma why don't you take Regina in the living room while your father and I finish up in here".  "Sure mom".   I take Reginas hand and lead us to the living room. "This is a nice house Emma".  "It is. I really liked living here. I'll have to show you my old room later". She smiles at that. Dad pokes his head in "dinners on the table". We get up and walk to the dinning room table. "Smells great mom". "Thank you. I made one of your favorites. Yankee pot roast".   We all dig right in and I think it's delicious. We all exchange small talk, it was mostly Regina and my parents talking, asking questions and getting to know each other. It's nice and it feels comfortable like we've done this before. When dinner was over we all helped clean up the table and I helped my mom load the dishwasher. My mom says to all of us "So is everyone ready for our after dinner Irish coffee". My dad and I both say yes at the same time and we all laugh. My mom then turns to Regina "Oh no thank you, none for me. I'll just have some more water please".   "Are you sure it's really good?"   "Just water thanks". My mom nods and starts the coffee. "How about I show you around now?"  Regina nods and I take her hand a show her all the rooms including my old one. There are still some posters on the walls and a few teddy bears here and there. I walk over to Regina and hand her one of the bears. "This one is my favorite. I know It's a simple little bear, but this was on my bed when I first got here and it was actually the only one I ever had that was just mine. I slept with this on my bed every night till the day I got my own place. My mom wanted me to take it with me but I wanted it here. When she asked my why, I told her that I will always consider this my home and I wanted it here in case I ever needed to come back home". Regina has tears in her eyes as she said "Emma that's such a lovely story".  She kisses my lips and holds me. "Regina remember what I said earlier about waiting to tell my parents about the baby?"  She nods. "Do you think maybe we could tell them anyway?"  "We can do whatever you feel is right my love". I smile and we head back to the living room.

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