Chapter 13

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Regina and I had a nice evening together. We watched a few movies, we ordered some Chinese takeout and talked about our future child. She has her first appointment in three weeks. I told her I'd be there. I have like two months of vacation days, so it shouldn't be a problem to take that day off. When I told Regina I could stay till Sunday night, her face just lit up like a Christmas tree. I loved it. I always want to see her like that. We took a nice shower together and went bed. We talked a little more as we held each other. Regina fell asleep, and now has her head on my chest. I really love this feeling. I start thinking about today, and everything that happened, and I just start crying a little. I'm not upset about the baby. I just don't want to miss anything. I live 40 minutes away. How can I be here for her at a moments notice. I have so much to do. I need to find something closer to here or even here. I feel myself start to breath heavy. Shit, my anxiety is kicking in. I don't want to wake her so I slowly try to move from under her. When I'm free I grab my phone off the nightstand and slowly leave the bedroom and go into the kitchen. I look in the refrigerator and see Regina stocked up my favorite beer, so I grab one and sit at the counter. I take a long swig of beer then grab my phone and google jobs available in Storybrooke. There is not to many. I guess that's because it's such a small town. I scroll through and boom, I see "Sheriffs Deputy wanted", so I click on that. I read all the info. I see an attachment for the application so I click and fill it out. I then send an email to my captain to tell him I'll be handing in my resignation on Monday morning. I explained that because of unforeseen events I need to relocate. Then I looked up apartments here. I don't want Regina to think she has to let me move in. Just because we are having a baby doesn't mean she wants to live with me yet. I come to find out there is not many rentals available here. Damn. I continue to search the internet, looking for anything related to apartments near here and what to expect when pregnant. Then I hear footsteps from the stairs. I look at the time. Shit it's 7:15 in the morning. I've been down here for about 6 hours. Regina walks in the kitchen and sees my empty beer bottles on the kitchen counter and she doesn't seem happy. "Emma. Is everything ok? It's morning my love why are you up drinking?" Shit I feel bad. She looks scared. I get up and go to her and hug her. "I'm sorry babe. I had a little anxiety attack last night so I came down and had a few beers". She gives a little smile then walks away. So I return to my seat at the counter as she starts to make some tea, then she turns to me and asks "Was the anxiety attack about me and the baby?" "Yes". I answered way to quickly and I see a tear roll down her face so I jump up and say. "Oh no baby. It's not I bad thing, I swear. I had the anxiety because I was thinking of all the things I have to do in a short amount of time". She looks confused and says. "What do you mean?" "Well, I looked up jobs here in Storybrooke and saw they need a new deputy, so I filled out the online application, then I sent my captain an email saying I would be handing in my notice on Monday morning, and before you came in I was looking for an apartment here, but there seems to be nothing available". "Emma why are you doing all this?" "Why? Because Regina you are having my baby and I live almost an hour away. I can't just say I'll be right there at anytime and fight traffic and god knows what else to get here. I want to be here. I want to be with you". She kisses me. "You are the sweetest my love". "Yes well I love you". She hugs me tight, then asks. "Emma, why are you looking for an apartment?" " I need a place to live. I didn't want to assume that you wanted me to move in just because we are having a baby together". She looks so disappointed and it crushes me. "Regina. I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you. I just didn't want you feel like you had to ask me to move in if you didn't want me to. Are we even ready for that yet?" I see a tear fall from her eye and she walks out of the kitchen. "Fuck". I take the last swig of my beer and go look for her. I find her sitting on her bed, so I walk in and sit next to her. "I'm sorry Regina. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just try to do the right thing". She turns quickly to look at me and has an unhappy expression on her face and says "Did you even think to ask me what I wanted Emma? Maybe I want you to live here with me. Did you ever think of that?" "Well, yes I did, but I didn't want you to think you had to let me". "Emma, there is nothing more I want that to fall asleep and then wake up in your arms, please don't try to find an apartment. I want you here with me". "Really babe?" "Yes Emma. Please". I nod and kiss her then say, "As soon I get everything taken care of in Portland I will be sleeping right next to you every night my love". We kiss then lay back down and fall asleep together. Well at least I did. Those beers made me sleepy.

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