Chapter 21

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Monday morning I'm sitting at my desk working when my captain walks up and says "Swan, my office please". He has no expression on his face. I get up and follow him in. "Have a seat.  So you are leaving us". It wasn't a question, but I nod. "That's very unfortunate. You've been such an asset to this entire unit. In the email and your resignation letter you wrote that it was an 'unforeseen event'. May I ask if everything is ok?"   "Oh yes boss. Everything is really great".   "I'm glad to hear that. I was concerned that you or someone close to you was ill or something".    "No, no. Nothing like that. I've been in a relationship with a woman in Storybrooke and we recently discovered that we are having a baby, so I want to be there for her and the baby. I don't want to miss anything".   "Holy crap Swany that's fantastic. Congratulations. You finally found the one that could get you to settle down". We both laugh and I nod. "Yes I guess so. Regina is really amazing. I don't know how she puts up with me".   "Regina?"   "Yes Regina. She's my girlfriend".  "Regina Mills from Storybrooke is your girlfriend?  Your dating the mayor?"   "Yes. Do you know her?"   "I was good friends with her father Henry. We went to college together".  "Wow. Small world".   "It certainly is. Well I'm sorry to see you go Emma, but I'm really happy for you".  "Thanks boss. I appreciate it". He nods and sends me back to work. Later that night I was FaceTiming with Regina and I told her about my boss being friends with her father. She remembered him well. The next few days were boring. I spent most of the time doing paperwork on my open cases so I can have a new team take them over. On Wednesday my captain called me in his office. When I walked in the Police Commissioner was also in there. "Sergeant Swan you remember Commissioner Davis don't you?" I shake his hand. "Yes of course. Nice to see you again sir".   "Hello Sergeant.  Captain Newell has told me you are leaving. Well I'll be honest with you, the department is going to miss you. You've done some amazing work here. I just wanted to stop by and personally wish you a lot of luck in the future, and if you ever decide to come back you are definitely welcome".   "Sir, Thank you so much. It means a lot that you took time out of your day to come by and say all that".  We shake hands again and he excuses himself and leaves. "Wow, I can't believe he came to say all that to me". My captain laughs.  "I told you Swany your a great cop and you will be missed".  I feel my eyes getting a little misty. "Well I should get back to work". "Hang on a second. There is something I'd like to discuss with you. I know you gave your two week notice, but something has come up. If it's ok with you, the department is willing to release you from that and have your last day be this Friday. It seems the officer who will be filling your spot can start on Monday. You will still be getting all the pay that is due to you as well as all your unused vacation time."   "So you want me out before the end of my two weeks?"   "Please don't feel like we are pushing you out. I know you still have to move and everything. Then you'll be starting at the sheriffs office soon and this just popped up".  "That actually sounds great. Regina is coming up on Friday to help me pack. It would be great to get everything done this weekend. Thank you".  "No Emma. Thank you for everything you have done here. We will be lost without you. It's the end of the day, so why don't we call it a night and go have a drink".  "Yes sir. I'd like that". 

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