Chapter eighteen Suprise

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So a week passed by and it was time for the funeral. Rose hasn't left her room since she was told about the funeral.

Clara:Rose open up we are going to the funeral now.

Rose:But I don't want to say goodbye.

Clara:Rose you have to.

Rose:ok*opens her door*.

Clara:You ready?


So Rose her mom and granny Cinderella got into the carriage to go to the funeral.

They walked in the Castle  then walked away leaving Rose alone.

Rose:It's all my fault*puts her hands over her eyes*

Fala:*walks over to Rose*Rose thank you for comming.

Rose:You must hate me Fala.

Fala:Why would I hate you?

Rose:Because it's my fault Hawk's dead*starts crying*

Fala:*hugs Rose*No its not it's the Snow Queens fault.

Rose:Thanks Fala*wipes her eyes*.

Fala:I have to go find granny Ill see you later*walks away*

Ellie:*walks over to Rose*So who let the murderer in here?

Rose:Why is it so hard for you to leave me alone?

Ellie:Not gonna bye*walks away*

Priest:Everyone take a seat.

Every one sat down there was one row only for the Snowhite family and Hawks friends.

Priest:We are here today to say goodbye to Hawk Snowhite does anyone have any words to say they may speak now.

Fala:*walks to the stand*Well I've only been back for a year and this happens.I was stuck in the Snow Queens stupid snow globe for yers and I missed my little brother grow up and I miss him thank you*walks off the stage*

Travis:Hawk was my best friend Id do anything to help him but now hes gone  we would always prank each other and make fun of each other now he is gone now I don't have a best friend anymore thank you.

Time skip to Rose

Rose:*Walks up on the stand*Well whene I first met Hawk was on my first day here*starts to smile a little*whene I first met him he seemed like other boy's wanting to be popular but after my first week I knew he wasn't like others he was a true hero he always saved others that's why I loved him*looks at her locket he gave her**frowns* that's why he's dead because he sacrificed himself for me I should be the one thats a dead stone statue*walks over to Hawk's statue*It's all my fault*tears came out of her eye and one landed on Hawk's heart where the arrow was*

Rose:I cant do it I cant say goodbye fairy tayle of my dreams glass slippers make the scene*runs away*

Clara:Rose wait come back.

Granny Cinderella :She needs time Clara.

Fala:Um whats happening to Hawk?

Hawk's statue then started to glow and then the arrow flew upward and it the ground as his statue started to crack until he was alive again

Hawk:Um where am I and why are you all wearing black?

Fala:Hawk your back.

Hawk:What do you mean Im back?

Travis:Well you remember getting shot by the magic arrow?

Hawk:Yeah why?

Astoria:Your powers were drained and you were turned into stone so you were dead.

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