chapter 3 The new enemy

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(Vicky)Come on Cyrus wake up and help think of a new plan to take down that Cinderella! (Kira) Hey Vicky my mom told me she already has a plan in action.(Vicky)why didn't she tell us sooner!(Kira) hey dont yell at me I just found two.(time skip if you want 2 know what the plan was tead chapter 2 old enemies)

At heroism class (professer wolfgrum)Class today youre assighnmemt will be youre whole grade because we will be doing this class with manners today.(Professor Snowhite) You will be teamed up in pairs that we pick!
Ling ling-Travis
Astoria- Shawn
Rose and dun dun dun-Aiden😱
Hawk and dun dun dun-Ambrosia(You guys will see what I'm doing)(Professor Wolfgrum) You princes will have to save youre princesses in ten minutes by riding youre dragon in a good postureand cach them if you don't  they get thrown of their dragon(the girls are tied up on a dragon that keeps track of time dont worry there be pillows to catch the girls in case their princes didnt save them)(Rose)in my mind of course Hawks partner is Ambrosia she is in love with him I know he said he wasn't truly in love with her but I always get so jealous of her whene there partners for heroism class.(Hawk)in my mind Why did Aiden of all people have to be Roses partner not like Im jelous or anything.(Professor Wolfgrum) Start now!(Ambrosia) In my head Im so happy Hawk's my partner for this class even though he dosent truly love me I'll always love him.(Aiden)In my head Im thankful i got Rose shes not the worst I think I like like her but thats crazy right ohh welll I love her and I get to save her.(ME😎)In the lead was Hawk Rose was fell off her dragon so instead of saving Ambrosia he saved Rose(Rose)Ummm thanks Hawk her face turned a light pink .(Hawk)Just doing what a hero would do his face turned light pink two.(ME😎)When Aiden saw that Hawk saved Rose his blood began to boil and his face turned red.Ambrosia fell but Aiden caught her.YAY.(Professor Wolfgrum) Good job class Astoria's team got the highst grade.Rose,Hawk,Joy,Ling ling,Travis and Astoria were studying for their next class whene out of nowhere BOOM!(Rose)We ran as fast as we could to the sound all the guardian dragons were baby dragon's then we seen a guy in a long black cloack we couldnet see his or her face but there was a card there it said "say goodbye to youre happyendings because your nightmare is just beginning sighned youre new enemy"(Ling ling)we should transform into our armour and look for this villian.Every one agreed to do that

(Astoria) We should split up in two teams me Joy and Travis will get the teachers for the guardian dragons  .while Ling ling, Hawk,and Rose will look for Blackhood(thats the villans name)Agreed!(with Rose, Ling ling,and Hawk)They saw Blackhood and they got thier wand ready(imagin them still in their regal armour)

(Hawk)whispered shout we should just attack(Ling ling)whispered shout no not yet on three one two three attack.(Blackhood)Really you kids thought you could take me by surprise!Dark magic!(Hawk)
Fairytayle of my dream mirror shield make the scene!Rose Ling ling get behind me.(ME😎)the girls  got behind him.(Rose)I have an idea!pompoms distract that villian.(the pompoms did what Rose said)(Rose)fairytayle of my dream glass slippers make the scene I tried to hit the wand out of Blackhoods hand But i missed and he smirked saying nice try little Cinderella he then threw a potion towards Hawk and Ling ling I ran and got hit by the potion then everything went black.

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