Chapter twelve apologies

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Rose stoped running when she found herself in the enchanted forset.

Rose:In my head Why didn't my friends belive me I belived them when they needed me to*sits down next to a tree while looking out in the enchanted forset* .

Hawk:Rose where are you?*Sees Rose sitting down by a tree and walks up to her*

Hawk:Rose are you ok?

Rose:*stands up*No Im not no one believes Tiffany is not working with her brother and his friends.*starts to frown*.

Hawk:*Pulls Rose into a long hug*I belive you.

Rose:At least you do.*Starts to smile*.

Hawk:Because you belived in everyone so I belive you.

Rose:*Starts to blush* thanks Hawk*Kisses him on the lips**The kiss was long and full of passion then they had to stop to breathe*

Hawk:*holding Roses hand*Come on Rose we should get back.

Rose:Your right and thanks for beliveing me about Tiffany.

Hawk:Well what is a boyfriend for?

Rose:You are the best*kisses cheek while walking*

They came back to the group still holding hands (they would not let go of eachothers hand)

Astoria:Rose Im so sorry I belive you about Tiffany I talked to her using a truth potion.I dont know why I didn't belive you.*Starts to frown*

Joy:Were all sorry you belived in all of us but we didnt belive you and were so sorry.

Rose:It's ok now you all know Tiffany is innocent. *Starts to smile*(she was still holding Hawk's hand)

Travis:*walks up to the group followed by Ling ling*Guys we were spying on Aiden's team and they were and they were talking with Vicky's team and The Snow Queen on Kiras snowglobe.

Hawk:What are they planning?

Astoria:You guys can find out later right now we have get to potions class before were late!

In potions class

Dr.Lefrog:Class today we will be making a invisibility potion.These potions are supper hard to make because you have to always have positive thoughts.Now you have to the end of class to get this done.

Astoria:What positive thoughts?

Rose:Good thoughts Astoria not bad thoughts.

Astoria:Ok so here's the ingredients for the potion A camillion scale,Fire ants,A tear of a oregere,A rainbow light,and A pinch of fairydust.

Astoria: Ok Travis will get the tear of a Oregere, Joy will get the fire ants,Ling ling will get a camillion scale, you lovebirds will get the fairydust and I'll get the rainbow light.

Travis:Got the tear of a oregere.

Joy:Got the fire ants.

Ling ling:Got the Camillion scale.

Astoria:And I got a jar of rainbow light.

   With Rose and Hawk

Hawk:Do you see the fairydust Rose?

Rose:Yes it's on the top shelf but I cant reach it wait I have an idea*she grabs a small ladder that was in the classroom*

Rose:*Starts to climb the ladder until she reached the top shelf*Got it.
Not realising she used both of her hands to hold the jar.

Rose:uh oh.*starts to fall*

Hawk:*catches Rose and is holding her bridal style*Rose are you ok?

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