Chapter seven the ball part3

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Astoria: we better go before were late!

               At the ball
Rose and the rest of the girls walked into the ballroom and went to go find their dates.

Rose:Hey Fala I haven't seen since summer vacation how are you!

Fala:oh Im great Rose ever since you left for summer Hawk would not stop talking about how much he missed yooondjd.her mouth got covered by Hawk.

Hawk:Hey Rose I was just looking for you.Could I have this dance?


Me😎:So all the couples were daceing happily until Ambrosia came up tp Hawk.(She is always ruining my shipment)

Ambrosia: Mind if I cut in!?

(She didnt wait for an answer instead just took Hawk amd danced)

Gerald:this is my chance with Rose!

Gerald:R-r-r-Rose would you dance with me?

Rose:sure why not

Rose:sure why not

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Just like this.Just imagin Rose's gown blue.

Rose:In my head why does Ambrosia do that Ill have a moment with Hawk and she would always ruin it sometimes she is so annoying!

Hawk:In my head Why did Ambrosia do this again everytime I have a moment with Rose I mean she clearly saw us danceing this wouldn't be the first time she did it whene she and Adonies were visiting Regal academy durring ballroom dance class,then there was the Spring ball so not the firt time she did it sometimes she can be so annoying!

The dance finally ended the Ruby came out

The dance finally ended the Ruby came out

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Ruby:Hey did you guys miss me?haha.Dark magic!(the spell headed towards Rose but she doged it)

Rose:um guys I think we need to transform into our armour.
(They transformed)

(Note they ran to their dragons to transform)

Hawk:So Ruby was Blackhood this whole time !

Blackhood:No just my accomplice. Dark magic!

Rose: Fairytayle of my dream glass slippers make the scene!
(She ran behind him and knocked him out but Ruby was right behind her and grabed her with her ice claws)

Rose:Hey let me go

Ruby:No your needed somewhere else ha ha ha!
(Then Blackhood and Ruby vanished in a green smoke with Rose)

Hawk:No Rose! Come on we have to go find her.

Travis:I know where she might be.

Atsoria:Where? !

Travis:The snow kingdom duh!

Hawk:Well what are we waiting for lets go!(he started to run toward his mission dragon whene Astoria's ivy hair picked him up and brought him back)

Hawk:Astoria let me go I I
mean we have to save Rose!

Astoria:I know but if she's in the Snowkingdom were going to need a plan!

Ling Ling: If we just walk in there we would get froze and put in Snowqueens snowglobes.

Joy:So Darkhood and Ruby both have darkmagic this is going to be harder than we thought.

Travis:It might be a trap.

Hawk:Really how.

Travis:Well if we all go to the Snowkingdom then were all going to get stuck in snow globes!Then there wont be any one to protect Regal academy !

Astoria: For once Travis is right.So how about me Joy and Travis go and Hawk and Ling ling stay here and guard the castle?

Hawk:Why do I have to stay here!

Joy:Well Ruby is there for one and two you two are the best on the team to guard the castle.And she might try to marry you again.

Hawk:Not convenienced Im going!

Travis:Fine Ill stay here then.

Astoria:Good we have a plan for once instead of rushing in and getting into trouble!

At the Snowkingdom

The Snow Queen: Haha finally we got the Cinderella.

Ruby:Why did I need to kidnap her to marry Hawk?

The Snow Queen:Because that boy is so dumb he and his team will just rush in here and get stuck in my snow globes.

Rose:You won't get away with this!

Blackhood:Rember me!?(he pulled the hood off to reveal)

End of chapter seven the ball part3.thank you for reading the next chapter we will find out who Blackhood is.See you next time

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