Chapter seventeen not the same

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The team ran outside to where they saw Ruby and Blackhood trying to hit Rose with thier magic and saw Astoria just laughing while waching.

Blackhood:*Sees the team*Hello you guys did you miss me and Ruby?Dark magic!

Joy:Look out*dodges the spell*

Vicky:ugh I think there winning not fair!

Kira:Astoria attack them with tower magic.

Joy:Whats wrong with Astoria.

Vicky:Simple evil potion

Astoria :*grabs wand*Tower magic!

The vines wraped around Ling ling, Travis,and Joy leaving them tied up unable to break the vines due to some spell Vicky put on Astoria's wand

Rose:Fairytayle of my dreams glass slippers make the scene!*runs to try to break the vines but couldn't*.

Ruby:That all you got?

Darkhood and Ruby:Dark magic dark vines!

Rose:*the vines quickly wrapped around Rose's feet tieing her up all the way up to her shoulders and then the vines held her in the air*


The Snow Queen:Magic arrow make the scene*then it appeared in her hand*(she was on a dragon)

Rose:Oh no*struggling to break free instead of getting loose the vines grip got tighter*

The Snow Queen:Good bye little Cinderella*shoots the arrow towards Rose's heart*

Rose:*sighs and closes her eyes*

Hawk:*Jumps in front of Rose getting shot in the heart and landened on the ground  in front of Rose*

The Snow Queen:That was meant for the Cinderella!

Rose:*opens her eyes**gasps*Hawk no!!

Rose:*She broke free of the vines and looks at the time*Glass magic*she made a unescapeable glass prison around the Snow Queen and Ruby(the glass was unbreakable)

Blackhood:Dark magic!*sends a spell heading towards Rose but she doged it*

Astoria:(the potion just wore off)Where am I*sees she has her friends wraped up with her tower magic and lets them go*Sorry guys.

Joy:Well you were under a evil potion.

Blackhood:Ha ha I've already won.

Rose:I dont think so*runs up behind him and takes his wand then made a glass prison for Blackhood*

Rose then ran over to Hawk(he was lying on the ground) his powers were getting drained as he was bleeding out of his chest.

Rose:*sits Hawks head in her lap*Why did you do it?

Hawk:Because I am a princesses saver one and two because I love you.

Rose:But your going to die*tears quickly start comming from her  eyes rolling down her face*

Hawk:At least I got to save the princess I truly love*kisses her forehead*Starts turning into stone*.

Rose then got up Hawk was now a stone statue and the arrow was still in his chest.

Headmistress Cinderella:What is going on here and what are you villans doing here!?*sees Hawk is a stone statue**gasps*uh oh Snowhite is going to be furious when I tell her about this*walks to banish the Villans(except Vicky,Cyrus and Kira) while carrying the other villans with her wand*

Vicky:Death spell!

Rose:*in a sad hurt voice*glass magic.*another glass cage appeared as soon as it hit Vicky she forgot how to cast the death spell*

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