32. Swami Makes Vibhuti & Righteous Vijai Sri - March 1991

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Swami Makes Me Vibhuti

March 10, 1991

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

It’s now gotten hot, with the “Signs of summer” as follows: 1. Sweaty days. 2. Mosquito-full, bed-bug filled nights. 3. Much less people. 4. Three times a day bath with hair wash.

My allergies have drastically reduced with the coming of summer. Now only a few non-troublesome sneezes throughout the day.

I had two exceptional Darshans lately, attention from the Avatar (rare for me!) for some odd reason! On 26 February I had namaskar and He looked down at me deeply afterward. On 3 March He stood in front of me for the longest time, I slept nicely on His feet and He looked at me several times before and after. When I got up, He made vibhuti and poured it into my hand! What do you think, first time since my interview over 7 years ago that I got vibhuti! I was worried that something might happen to me! Venkamma said it was simply an expression of His love and it’s possible it’s for destroying an illness that might otherwise surface. At any rate it was a nice and precious memory. So rare nowadays to have such a nice Darshan! 

The Anantapur girls came recently and He gave a closed-door discourse to them in the Mandir. However, He turned on the speakers for once and we heard the discourse from outside. He was telling them how much He does for them; He spends Rs 1,200 every month for every student! He also said strongly they must follow whatever Swami says without argument or objection.

There are many fewer people here and Swami is generally giving nice attention to all – taking letters, giving namaskar, granting interviews to groups and individuals alike.

All are fine. Venkamma is strained under the burden of her gastric trouble, but during the day she talks, gives attention and spreads her bliss to all.

The shed is getting empty (perhaps people are going to rooms due to the intense heat there). Although the office is giving no trouble, I'm thinking about getting a room now before the summer slaughter begins (this means when Sai goes and the office joyfully sends out every foreigner from the ashram).

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.




Righteous Vijai Sri!

March 22, 1991

Prasanthi Nilayam 

Dear Parents,

Divya conveys her namaskars. All is well here. Summer has hit full force and it’s now VERY hot! Swami is scheduled to leave on 26th or 27th March. Kodai/Ooty is planned for 4 April for about a month. 

I was really happy that Swami was here for Telugu New Year, Ugadi, on 17 March. He hasn’t celebrated it here in three years! 

Well lately I’ve been having much Grace - I’ve gotten a lot of first lines, namaskars, and looks by Swami! Plus the vibhuti received, which I wrote you about.

Venkamma is fine; well, actually she’s overworked and her gas problem makes her short of breath sometimes. 

Vijai Sri is here for two weeks. She’s still cute, but she’s ultra-extrovert, demanding and bossy in a righteous way! She yells things like, “Is that something to say to small children?! Don’t say it!” If her father scolds or swears she says, “Boy – where did you learn THAT language?!” Or, “Chi, chi, baad man.” The other day Niraja was asking Venkamma for one of her saris and Vijai said, “Mommy! Why are you always taking Grandma’s saris? Don’t do it!” Then she turned to Venkamma and said, “Avva! (Grandma) Don’t give Mommy any more of your saris. She’s always trying to take your saris.” Niraja borrowed a gold chain of Venkamma’s for one function (when Vijai Sri wasn’t around). When Vijai came she looked horrified and said, “Mommy! That’s Grandma’s gold chain! Give it back to her IMMEDIATELY!” She continues to cling to me when she comes but she’s staying in the village house (Niraja’s in-laws).

More later,




Concentration for Our Own Good

March 23, 1991

Prasanthi Nilayam

Dear Parents,

God forces us to have the difficult task of work needing concentration, for our own good. These are dark times, as Venkamma says a lot, and perhaps if the mind didn’t have ‘exercise' and concentration, it would succumb to the bad influences. Here in Prasanthi Nilayam there are a few such people whose mental states have gone from good to bad to worse, due to just wondering about, and too much unguided meditation! Yes, it’s hard to force concentration, but good for the mind. I'm in the same position, but now I see the benefits.

I notice that Vijai Sri also is a bit ill-tempered and not quite so happy after she’s been in the village house a lot. After only half a day with Venkamma she’s really good natured and happy! The change is interesting to see every time she comes. How strong yet subtle are home influences! How deeply the inner natures of people enter into small children and influence them, even for a short time. In the old days the forest ashrams must've been wonderful for children to grow up and live in.

27 March – Swami left 25 March to Whitefield. Now Venkamma is planning to go also, to see Swami and have a medical check-up. She’ll be gone a week or more. So! I have vacation in the oven-like heat here. - Happily, the office isn’t bothering me and visa is, as usual, safely “under consideration”!

Stay well. Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.



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