T w e n t y - t w o

645 14 11

America's POV:

"Please stay for the Halloween party America, it's in a few weeks, please," Maxon said grabbing my arm preventing me from leaving. I sigh. "I-I will think about it," I replied.

His words kept repeating themselves in my head. I was contemplating between the consequences if I stayed, and I was really considering it ... but the Halloween party ... and I knew he was throwing this ball in my honour, which just reminded me of so many painful memories that made me want to throw up; Marlee's canning resurfaced in my mind - it just made me want to cringe. 

The time he made a toast to his future wife and the endless dancing, the broken and empty promises we made to each other, the happiness he made me feel, the times he made me laugh--

"Ames, Maxon told me about the ball which is bound to happen, I asked mom she said its fine so why not stay right?" Nicholas said - unaware of the inner turmoil that surfacing within the depths of my mind - walking into our room with a newspaper hand, where his complete attention was focused on.

I do not know why, or understand, but I suddenly felt hot anger rising within my veins as my blood frizzled.

I glared at him getting angrier by the second. Did I never get a say in his decisions?! Ughhhh!!! He can be so controlling sometimes. "Nicholas," when he had still yet to raise his head, I raised my voice, "Nicholas James Quartz, look at me right now," I said, waving my hands frantically in the air looking like a lunatic, trying to gain his attention.

"Yes?" was his only reply with his eyebrows rising slightly. "Are you ever going to let me give my opinions on anything? And you didn't even bother asking me whether we should even attend this ball," I practically yelled at his face.

"America, breathe," he said with a calming tone, trying to cool me down but it only resulted in me getting even more furious.

The sudden urge to throw a vase at him drove me but instead, I grabbed the closest thing in my hand and flung it at his face.

"Love, do you really want to start a pillow fight? Remember how the last one ended," he said – his sudden husky voice causing me to lose focus for a second - smirking at my now reddening cheeks. "I-I," I stuttered remembering what happened.

"Don't you dare turn this in the direction of something else, okay!" I gulped, doing my best to continue and trying to get back the reigns of my control and anger. "I was saying about how you-"

My eyes widened as he slowly made his way towards me, calculating his steps while looking at me intensely. "Your blushing tells me otherwise," he whispered closing the distance between us by capturing my lips in his – or at least trying to do so, except I escaped in time. I ran to the other side of the room, to not only give myself breathing room but also so that the distance would help clear my head. I was supposed to be angry but-

I suddenly felt his body heat surround me, and before I could blink, I was up against the wall, my hands clutched up above my head by Nicholas'.

"You-" He interrupted me by crashing his lips on mine, and this time there was no escape.

No matter though, it felt like pure bliss. All the anger and frustration that had been built up suddenly left me as I gave into him. His hands trailed down, sliding down my figure until they wrapped around my waist.

"Nicholas, someone wants to see you ..." Maxon's voice said trailing off.

I blinked.


I abruptly turned my head to look at where he was standing awkwardly in the doorway. Before he was able to look away, I caught his eyes for a second.

And the emotions that swirled within his irises as his eyes darkened were enough to bring me down to my knees and leave me breathless. I would've fallen if Nicholas wasn't holding me up. Oh, Nicholas!

Anger as hot as fire, regret at too many things to count, guilt for, I had no idea – leaving me and choosing Kriss? Walking in at the wrong time? Loving me once upon a time, and maybe he still does but that doesn't matter because of his rash decisions? - but most of all ... sadness. A thin transparent sheet covered his eyes, and I realized they were tears.

"Umm ... I'll just get going now," he whispered anguishly, looking down while walking out the door as fast as possible. Not even slamming the door shut, but instead quietly closing the door in haste - that was very unlike Maxon. It showed he didn't even have the energy to spill his anger.

But no matter how fast he could've made out that door, it wouldn't have stopped me from glancing at the first teardrop that slid down his cheeks - already making me regret the kiss I shared with Nicholas.

And maybe, just maybe, everything.


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for 1.5k reads, like we can't even express our gratitude for continuing with us on this journey! Maxon lovers, hold on! The wait will be worth it! Have a good day/night ahead, you all! Don't be afraid to vote and comment if u enjoyed!


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