T w e n t y - t h r e e

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America's POV:

"Good morning Nicholas," I said, more like dragged out lazily indicating how much of a morning person I was, drowsily looking at him walk out of the closet wearing a finely pressed suit. He threw an amused smile my way with a knowing look in his eyes. "Good morning to you too," he replied, placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"Aren't you dressing up for Halloween? It's in a few hours, you know," I stated. Rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands, I tried to get rid of the drowsiness that seemed to make itself more apparent. Last night's sleep - you could barely call it sleeping - didn't help either. After Maxon had left, Nicholas and I got ready for bed; while Nicholas dozed off the moment his head hit the pillow, I tossed and turned the whole night. I couldn't get rid of Maxon's expression when he had walked in on us; it haunted me not only while I was awake but when I was able to catch a one hour, two at most, nap. At one point I had even awoken Nicholas with all the moving and mumblings under my breath, who seemed worried about me, but I waved it off and shushed him back to sleep.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I unreluctantly focused my constantly wavering attention on Nicholas. "Yes, yes, I am aware but I am sure I can go like this. The whole idea of it sounds childish to me," how could he have the nerve to call Halloween childish, I huffed inside as he continued. "Anyways though, I'm going downstairs, see you later," he said, walking out of the room. Sighing, I walked towards the shower to get ready for the day.


As I slipped into a simple baby blue dress and stepped outside of my room I felt myself bump into something, causing me to lose balance and my behind to french kiss the floor.

"Oof!" Curse those heels!  

"America? Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up," the person said extending his hand to me. "Nicholas?" I questioned, still looking down trying to get my heels off.

The sound of teeth gritting against teeth in anger, filled my ears, as the person locked their jaw tightly.

I frowned.

"No, my dear."  

I blinked.

"Maxon? What are you doing here," I asked - facing him this time as I was finally able to get those dreaded heels off my feet - raising my eyebrows in curiosity. His eyes raked over me as he murmured a hum of approval and appreciation at what he saw. I pretended not to have heard it.

"I overslept. I guess I'm just stressed," he replied, offering me his hand to help me stand. I bit my lip unconsciously and his eyes instantly trained on the movement and darkened ever so lightly. I hesitantly took his hand, preparing myself for the ever so familiar electric shocks shoot up my arm, even at our slightest touches - which it did. Lifting me up, when I finally was stable on my feet, I mumbled him a 'thanks' as we walked through the different passages I had once roamed during my times at the selection.

Bad America, bad, forget those times. They were probably all fake and filled with lies. Our love felt too real to be fake though. My mind and heart fought as I tried to get myself under control. Thankfully, Maxon seemed to be unaware of my inner turmoil ... I think.

"America, what are you dressing up as, for tonight," he said, finally breaking the silence between us. 

"It's a surprise," I said, grinning mischievously. In reply, he beamed back at me and shook his head at me in amusement.

"Of course my love, I can't wait to be surprised," I rolled my eyes at his comment before my eyes suddenly widened in shock as the realization hit me. My breath hitched and his shoulders tensed as he too seemed to realize his slip up. My love... 

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