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Hello Everyone, Well let me start off with saying that the picture above is how I imagined Nicholas and I really hope this person is ok we are using this picture and I hope you have a nice day.


Kriss's POV:

It was so obvious Maxon would chose America. I mean, for goodness sake, come on, just look at them ... even when there is a 100 mile space between them and their eyes meet, sparks fly everywhere. However Maxon wasn't himself today so I was wondering what had happened. But even if I would question him, he'd probably say it's nothing. I was so lost in thought that when I heard my name, I was too in shock to actually register what was happening right in front of my very eyes ... Maxon was on the floor with one knee on the ground right ahead of me! I was static and so overjoyed, it was like Christmas, my birthday, new year and all festivities of the year all wrapped into one big present ... this day ... and all I could think about was how lucky I was to call Maxon mine. I couldn't wait to k- "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife Kriss?!" Maxon said. I blushed slightly while beaming, "Yes!" I exclaimed. 

I divert my eyes to the left, where America was sitting, only to find that she was tearing up. I felt like I should pity her but why should I care whatever the hell happens to her, serves her right for calling me a northern rebel ... Can't a person wear a piece of jewelry and not be bothered. I saw Maxon reaching his hand towards me as he slid the ring on my finger. "I can't wait until the wedding", he said emotionless. His emotionless tone should've bothered me yet I couldn't find it in myself to worry at a time like this, after all, everything was going perfectly. 

An imaginary light bulb suddenly appeared above my head as an idea popped up, I was definitely going to make America my maid of honor; I wanted to boast and trumpet over her with glory that I was one marrying the love of her life, instead of her. She never deserved him in the first place anyways. A giggle slipped out of my mouth, my eyes widening as I immediately shut it. Maxon raised an eyebrow and I just lifted one of my shoulder as I shrugged it off. Maxon extended his hand and I gracefully took it. We walked towards one of the many ballrooms in the palace to celebrate and I saw America was trying to escape the madness. To make her life even more miserable – "America!! Come join the party, it will be fun," I said politely. She sighed and nodded. My eyes were trained on her, she placed herself in a corner of the ballroom. 

As I was doing a full sweep of who attended; I saw many royals and dignitaries yet someone specifically caught my eye. I identified him as the Crown Prince of Italy, in my eyes he was so marvelous; He was quite tall and had chocolate brown hair that appeared so soft, it'd look as if they'd melt if anyone would dare a lay finger on them. They were accompanied with mesmerizing teal green eyes that left me utterly breathless at that moment. My mouth was slightly agape and I glanced at Maxon from the corner of my eyes, glad that he didn't notice my eye-goggling of another man. 

I looked back at Nicholas to only have the breath knocked right out of me as he was on one knee next to America, asking her to marry him. My jaw dropped and to my upper astonishment her reply was the furthest from what I could've imagined. Maxon looked pretty pale as he watched what was going on in front of his very eyes trying to comprehend whether what he was glimpsing was true. I was blown away when she said 'yes'! Could people really move on that fast, I wondered. Maxon just walked away from the scene without acknowledging me; I rolled my eyes at that. Nicholas whispered something in her ear to which she replied by nodding and then left. I honestly was confused about what was taking place in front of me. 

The music started which was soon followed by couples forming and joining on the dance floor and to my surprise, Nicholas walked over to me, bowing with one hand behind his back while asking, "Would you do the honor of being my dance?" I bit my lip; with the thought of not wanting to seem rude, I accepted, putting my hand in his outstretched one. Cartwheels were going on in my stomach as my heart beat at a confused rate, he seemed quite the gentleman.

" Your Highness, if you do not mind me asking, what is your name?" I sparked a conversation, only wanting to actually hear his voice since I was wondering how he would sound. "Well ... I am Prince Nicholas James Quartz", he replied, the name itself surrounded with pride and authority, I was in awe. I nodded, "Ahh ... I see." Knowing that America was now engaged to him, I tested how her name would be with 'Quartz' in it, on my tongue, "America Rose Quartz, right?" I said with bitterness dripping in my voice. I looked up at him with wide eyes afraid he would've caught on to my sour tone yet his face brightened up, with a charming grin gracing his lips, as if something finally clicked in his brain. "Hmm ... Rose Quartz ... thank you so much." I looked at him with a confused expression on my face, "Huh, for what?" but he replied by simply walking away leaving me alone on the dance floor.


Thank you all so much for reading! A chapter as promised!

Enjoy! And please vote if u did so!


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