T h i r t e e n

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Maxon's POV:

As I lay on the hospital bed with IV tubes running up my arms, I let my thoughts run free, or more as, let the questions escape and bombard me. What were the results of the tests the doctor had conducted on me? What about Kriss? Where was she? Wasn't she supposed to at least pay me a visit? Did I even matter to her? Why should I care? Oh! Why do I even bother!

 "Excuse me Your Majesty, but I came to regard if you were alright," I wanted to strangle him alive when I heard his voice break my thoughts. "Aspen Leger," I said through gritted teeth, emphasizing on the last letters of his name, almost sounding like a snake. "I found this in your office and I thought you might want it," he held it out, probably ignoring the tone of my words. "You are no one to tell me what I might want," I snapped, my words filled with hatred and distraught. "I'm sorry Your Majesty, but I wanted to explain something else as well," he said warily, placing the card on my bedside table. "And that is," I replied, bored and uninterested. "I wanted to tell you about umm ... America and I ... She never loved me ever since she met you or has ever felt an ounce of attraction towards me. She never let me fight for her, instead, she treated me like a brother, a best friend and what happened that day was a complete mistake. She tripped and I caught her before she could break any bones," he said as he laughed humorlessly. "But that doesn't explain why you were kissing during my selection," I bellowed.

He stepped back in response while drawing in a deep breath. "Umm ... I know it was wrong but it was completely my decision to pursue her. Even after she made it clear that she didn't want me. But I did it anyway ... you can give me a punishment but not her please, she's innocent and has no fault in this, please," he pleaded, fumbling with his fingers and thumbs and staring at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "One, I would never punish her, even if she did the worst of the worst. Two, It wouldn't be the wisest of ideas to punish the Soon-To-Be-Queen-Of-Italy! You're dismissed," I said frustratedly, waving my hand. He bowed and left wordlessly.

--Time Skip--

As soon as I heard high heels clicking on the marble floor I shut my eyes so I could avoid whoever wanted to bother me. "Your Highness, Prince Maxon is perfectly fine. I ran some tests on him; it's not much severe but I recommend that he should be on medications for at least a month," Doctor Ashlar said. I could feel the tension filling up the room even without being fully conscious. "W-wha-what do y-you mean? Is Maxon ok?", her voice was a bit shaky but she tried her best to hide the stuttering. "Why didn't you inform me about his situation earlier?", my mother asked as calmly as possible. "I sent a maid to deliver you the news but I'm not sure what occurred, I am deeply apologetic, Your Highness," Dr. ashlar said unsurely. Even though my eyes were closed, I could imagine the expression my her face, eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown. "So, what is wrong with my son?" my mother questioned, concern lacing her pitch.

The doctor cleared his throat before answering, "The first thing I noticed was his weight; he does seem rather skinny than before. He has lost a lot of weight so my best assumption is he is not eating fitly. This will weaken his immune system so I gave him some vitamins. I feel this is more of a mental problem rather than a physical one like stress; he is exhausting himself out and that is unhealthy for his body." I heard the clicking of heels getting louder and louder. "Oh Maxon," my mother sighed, her voice barely above a whisper. I opened my eyes slowly and 'sleepily' so it appeared I was sleeping the entire time, "Maxon, I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm sorry." I yawned lazily, "It's alright mother ... So, I'm sick?" I inquired sheepishly scratching the nape of my neck nervously, though the simple movement seemed to take much more effort than worth. "Umm ... how - never mind, well, I guess so," she paused a little before proceeding. "Is this about America?" she said, simultaneously holding out her hand for comfort. I took it and I grinned, or at least, tried to grin, mostly coming out as a grimace from the expression on her face. She gave my hand a gentle yet stern squeeze, giving me a 'spill the tea' look. 

I drew in a long puff, "Mother, she's g-getting m-ma-married. I can't believe her. She can't do that, she's m-" my mother shook her head sadly. "She's not yours. You chose Kriss, remember. America is a free person now, she can do anything she wants ... Maxon, I hate to add this weight on your shoulders but I was ready for America to be your fiancée and my soon-to-be-daughter, and eventually your wife and one day I would be a grandmother to your little children. I knew it was going to be America ... What happened Maxon? You loved each other so deeply and irrevocably. She was exactly what this country needed; a person like her would've right all the wrongs all the past leaders have made. She would have done astounding amazing as a queen; she had guts, an amazing heart, a fierce spirit and a never-ending strength. She was not going to let others stop her from doing what she thinks is right ... I am no one to tell you how to make your decision but go to her wedding and be there for her. Tell her, you support her decision even if you don't. Be her friend." 

I was taken aback by my mother's speech. "But mom," I said speechless as she gave me a solemn look. "Mom, I was supposed to choose America! B- but I don't know what happened. I will never be able to like, or even love Kriss! I already know that all she wants is the crown. She's nice in a way and all, I guess. But I can only imagine loving America and making her mine," I let out a long sigh. I was frustrated beyond words at my own stupidity again at letting her go so easily. I had the sudden urge to run away from life. This was too much for anyone, least of all me, to handle; too many problems. "Everything happens for a reason, Maxon. Everything will fall into place over time, I know it."

A/N: Hello fellow readers! We are truly sorry for some maxerica fans but it is how it is. All we can say is, don't lose hope yet, for there is more to come. We hope to see you next week. Bye for now.


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