T w e n t y - f i v e

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America's POV :

I stayed in my room, every once in a while looking at Nicholas who was sitting on the desk writing something that I wasn't aware of, as I kept my full attention on the book I was reading. Or at least was trying to read, but I couldn't focus on anything. The words seem to all blend into each other as my thoughts wandered off every now and then, distracting me drastically. 

My mind repeatedly recalled the events of yesterday, as if still not believing it. It was an understatement to say that I was still in complete shock. I couldn't come to terms with it yet - a knock interrupted my thoughts as I got up from my comfortable seat on the couch. As I went to open the door I was met with two men who were covered from head to toe in black accompanied an intimidating stare which slightly scared me. 

"Umm ... Nicholas," I mumbled, looking over to where he was sitting, but still keeping an eye on those two hulks from the corner of my eyes. 

"You two are early," Nicholas said, walking towards me with a soft smile and wrapping his arm around my waist simultaneously. 

"America, meet your bodyguards," he stated, gesturing to the tall men. 

I frowned. Please let this not lead to what I'm thinking it's leading to even though I know where this is leading to but I really hope this is not leading to what I think it's leading to, my thoughts only made me frown more as my emotions started to slightly go haywire.

"Nicholas. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," I said calmly - or as calm as possible at the moment - not wanting to start an argument. 

"America, please look at it from my point of view. I don't want you or the baby to get hurt," he said, trying to reason with me. 

"Nicholas! All this time I was doing perfectly fine on my own, and if you just want bodyguards for me after the baby was 'discovered' then you have to think twice cause hell I'm not going to have them babysit me and watch over me like a five-year-old," I said angrily - trying not to raise my voice too much, not wanting the whole castle to know about the situation. 

Not wanting to hear more of what pathetic excuses he has to say, I stomp out of the rooms, making sure none of those bodyguards were following me. I heard Nicholas yelling out my name but I wasn't having any of it! 

So I just ran as fast as I could in my heels, trying not to fall head first onto the floor. 

As I reached the garden, I kicked off my heels and started wandering off as I tried to calm myself, taking deep breaths and placing my attention someplace else. 

Soon I was met with a familiar looking blonde. 

I wasn't sure whether to approach him or not - especially after the news we were told yesterday - but me being the careless rebel I am, I took the risk and gave the idea no more thought. Maybe I was just too emotionally drained to actually care...

"Hey," I said, barely audible, as I sat down on the bench next to him. 

"Hey," Maxon whispered back softly. 

I looked at him, just to see that he was twirling a red rose in his hand. 

"I was deciding whether to come to see you or not but I guess you came to me instead. It's funny how the universe works sometimes, you know," he told, extending his hand which was holding the rose. As I gently took the rose, I realized that it was not only red but it was slightly white from all the edges as well, making me wonder how he even managed to find one like this in the midst of the completely bright red roses that surrounded me. 

"If you're wondering, it's unique and hard to find ... just like you," he whispered the last part, looking sadly at me, his head tilted slightly. 

We unconsciously inched closer to each other, our legs now pressed together sending a slight shiver down my spine.

For what I was about to do next, I didn't think, I just did.

I slowly lifted my hand, placing it on his jaw caressing it lightly. Our lips were now a hairs-breadth away. 

"America..." he muttered, trailing off, his breath fanning over my face, making it even harder to fulfil my heart's desire and kiss him until I've had my full - which would be never. 

I looked up and instantly regretted so, as I was met with the sight of glaring eyes of Nicholas. 

As I quickly retreated my hand away from Maxon, I was just met with the confusion clouding the pools of honey in his eyes as hurt flashed in those achingly sad orbs. 

"Nicholas," I stated and he nodded, understanding the situation. 

As I said his name, he appeared in front of me, his face so expressionless, it sent my nerves in a frenzy, my heart jumping in slight fear. But I didn't do anything wrong, right?!! Or did I...

I silently stood, ready to explain - explain what, I have no idea, but am instantly cut off.

His arms came around me, as he harshly pressed his lips against mine as one of his hands came behind my head, forcing me into the kiss and the other laid on my back, pressing me against him, being anything but gentle. This kiss was far from one I had ever experienced. It was demanding and possessive - almost like a punishment kiss. But what was the punishment for?

I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him away but he wouldn't move an inch.

In the corner of my eyes, I saw Maxon struggle, not knowing what to make or do of the situation.

I closed my eyes ferociously tight, as I waited for Nicholas to finish, wishing this was all just a dream.

Soon though, I felt warm welcoming arms around my waist and I was suddenly beside Maxon.

Both of there expressions were livid, but Maxon was the first one to speak.

"What's wrong with you? What do you think you're doing? Can't you see she's crying..." he yelled.

I lifted my hand up to my cheeks to see that they were, indeed, wet.

When Nicholas's eyes caught mine, his instantly filled with regret and he started to come towards me but I held up my hand.

And then I ran.

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