T h i r t y

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*Three weeks ago*

Maxon's POV:

I booked the flight to Italy the second I ended the call. Her screams still ricocheting from one part of my mind to the other; the way she screeched his name, her voice filled with so much pain and-

I shook my head as I tried to focus. She was going to be alright, she was going to be alright, she was going to be alright; maybe repeating it enough times would cease my worrying, I thought sorrowfully, as I mindlessly paced the jet in agitation and frustration. Worry caused my ever-tightening fists to whiten as I grit my teeth to not let out any grunts of anxiety.

"Walking until your legs give away won't help, Maxon. I don't understand why you're worrying so much. It's not like it's the end of the world. She's just giving birth," Kriss spoke, as calmly as she could, but you could tell she was disturbed and annoyed with my behavior.

I was too far off to even look at her apologetically, as my stride only increased in distressed fervor. She sighed before getting up and coming towards me but I was too absorbed in my thoughts to notice until she put her hand on my arm, ceasing all my abrupt movements. 

She said nothing as she pointed to the chair with her other hand and looked at me expectedly with raised eyebrows. I exhaled stressfully, as I followed and dumped myself onto the chair. And even though it was probably the most comfortable seat in the air, it only made me feel worse as my thoughts yet again wondered. I really hope she's fine and nothing wrong happens.

*A few hours later*

*America's POV*

My body was sore all over, not a millimeter of it that didn't know what exhaustion meant. My muscles were all painfully cramped as my lungs protested with every breath I shakily took. Perspiration coated every inch of my skin as my eyes screamed to seal shut, but my body and mind were at war.

I had to see them at least once before sleep claimed me. I had to.

All I did was croak out two words before my beauties were in each of my arms, and though my arms trembled, my heart shook and sighed in relief and awe. Finally.

Both of "My Precious" were sleeping, bundled up with their arms and legs wrapped inside the cloth, their eyes fluttered close as they slept unaware of the tears streaming down their mother's face, as she wept in a joy that only a mother could feel. And so, finally at peace, I let sleep demand me, with only one thought in my mind... Finally, they were home!

Time existed no longer as I drifted in and out of consciousness as sleep overtook me at whatever chance it could grab. I would hear snippets of conversations as voices murmured above me yet it felt as if I were underwater; everything was blurred and nothing made sense.

Soon enough, voices started to become clearer and I regained my vision, eyes blinking rapidly, seeking protection, from the overly-bright lights of the hospital room.

"Lights," I tried to speak but nothing came out. I frowned as I groaned, trying to recover control of my limbs and scattered senses. Thankfully, this also meant that I barely felt any of the ache, yet I knew the impending pang was not far.

Trying my best to repeat myself, I croaked out something unintelligible. Fortunately, the lights dimmed to my command and I saw the blurry faces of my mother and Nicholas before I blinked and everything cleared. 

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