T w e n t y - S i x

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Maxon's POV : 

I watched as America ran off, her figure slightly trembling as sobs racked her body. My hands clenched in pale-white fists as I gritted my teeth and threw one last glare in Nicholas's direction - who was still apparently frozen in shock and regret - before I ran after her.

My heart was pounding so fast when America had placed her hand on my face and we were so close to... I shook my head as I concentrated on the task ahead and screamed her name. 

Seeing them kiss was not what most caused me to shake in rage but the way he forced her into the kiss. It shouldn't have taken me even one second to snatch her away from his disgusting hands, yet for a moment there I was frozen. How could such a human being exist, who could force my America into a kiss? I don't care if he's married to her or is having her child, no one has the rights to force my America into anything she doesn't want to do! Just ... how could he!?!

And I don't care if she's married or is having his child, my eyes turned glossy at the thought but they kept searching for America, she'll always be mine.

I heard a frustrated yell behind a tree, which was followed by a hopeless grunt and soft, muffled whimpers.

I ran in her direction to see the most heartbreaking sight ever.

Without another thought, I dropped to my knees and brought America to my chest. She instantly buried her head in the crook of my neck and brought her arms around my neck. 

"I don't even know why I'm crying," she whisper-yelled as more tears welled up within her eyes. I rubbed her back soothingly and whispered soothing words in her ear. Nothing was more painful than watching the love of your life hurt and not being able to do anything.

I let her cry it out for some while until I could just hear some hiccups. I lifted her head up and wiped away the rest of the tears with my thumb. She sighed. She seemed exhausted, not just physically exhausted but mentally too. Why does it feel like everything is my fault? Oh right, it is...

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, not wanting to deal with it right now, knowing it wasn't the time.

I picked her up bridal style and started walking towards an unknown destination.

Normally she would've fought and demanded I let her down, insisting she could walk but all she did was mumble a 'thanks' and pulled herself closer to me. Her front was pressed up against mine as I often felt her shakily inhale and exhale. In response, I pulled her closer.

"Where do you wanna go," I questioned softly. When I didn't get a response in the next few minutes, I looked down to find her asleep. 

Since what seems like forever, I felt a smile grace my face at the beautiful sight.

Her lips skimmed my nape as she mumbled in her sleep and it took everything in me to not kiss her breathless right then and there.

Though it was not my decision to make, I knew she wouldn't want to wake up in Nicholas's and her room, so I did the next best thing.


I gently laid her down on my bed and put the covers over her. The movement must've woken her up somehow as her eyes fluttered open, confused.

"Shh, it's okay, go back to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up," I whisper as I kiss her forehead. 

She nods her head, still in a daze, before slipping off into dreamland again. 

I wanted to join her ... I wanted to have her in my arms and have every inch of her pressed against me but still find a way to pull her closer ... I wanted to protect her ... I wanted to kiss her until she's a moaning mess ... I wanted to do so much more ...

But instead, with my very weakening will, I dragged a chair from across the room and put it besides the bed. I fell on it with a thud as I cross my arms on the bed and put my head over them and watch America sleep until I doze off as well.

I didn't miss her dark circles under her eyes, so I knew she needed the sleep as much as possible.

America's POV :

"Maxon," I whispered. 

No response.

He was deep asleep if the snores were anything to go by.

I giggle.

A woke up a few moments ago. To say I almost had a heart attack when I woke up in Maxon's room was an understatement. Though I understood why he did it. It was really sweet and understanding of him to not bring me back to Nicholas's and I's room. I didn't want to ruin my mood by thinking of him so instead, I latched my eyes onto Maxon's frame. 

I poke his cheek and keep whispering his name until I get a response.

"America ... America ... no ... no ..." He seemed to be mumbling incoherent words as I tried to hear what he was saying. He kept shaking his head and swatting his hands everywhere, but he was still asleep.

I frowned. Was he having a nightmare...

My question was answered in the next moment as he woke up with a start. The action catching me off guard caused me to fall back down on the bed. His distraught eyes and shaky breaths really had me worried but he didn't give me a chance to voice my thoughts. 

He suddenly jumped me, miraculously his weight coming on his knees which were beside my hips and his forearms resting beside my head. He wouldn't stop shaking or whispering my name.

"Hey, hey, hey... Maxon, it's alright, I'm fine, look," I gave him a soft smile to lighten his worries yet he only shook his head unsteadily in response and pressed his hands all over me, any and every place he can touch as if searching for injuries. 

I bit my lip at his action, though they were fairly innocent, it still brought back memories of when we were together ... 

I opened my mouth to tell him I was perfectly fine but instead let out a moan as his hand caressed my chest. 

We both fell silent.

His next action made me want to cling to him like a koala and never let go yet I restrained. 

His eyes stopped wandering around me and met mine swiftly. He had a small smirk on his face as his hand stayed in that exact position ... and then he squeezed.

I grit my teeth to stay silent, cause I knew I would've encouraged him to do much more to me if I didn't control myself. He had a challenging glint in his eyes ... he's not the only one who has wandering hands.

I flipped us so that now I was on the top and he was under me. I didn't give him a second to get over his shock as I let both my hands wander around his chest while I kept direct eye contact and bit my lip. When I unconsciously pressed my legs together, the action seemed to have snapped his control as I was once again on my back and he attacked my neck with his mouth. 

Goosebumps raised all over my body at the contact, my mind and heart at war, but I didn't care, cause all I knew was that I needed him i-

In the blink of an eye, he suddenly jumped off of me and was in the furthest corner of the room, breathing heavily - I had a feeling this time it was for another reason. He seemed to be restricting himself from nearing me as he clenched his fists and drew in shaky breaths. Couldn't say I didn't look the same or maybe even worse.

Our eyes stay connected throughout the whole ordeal as we silently promised each other to never speak of this again.

When I left that room that moment, I had come down to two conclusions.

One, being pregnant definitely has made me an emotional mess! I mean one second I was crying then the next, giggling.

Two, being pregnant has definitely made me hornier than I thought possible ... meaning being around Maxon would be harder - if not Mission impossible with the lack of self-control that I seem to have.

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