S e v e n

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America pov:

The moment I stepped foot into my room and turned around to close the door, the dam finally burst. I broke down all over again, as if i had an endless supply of tears just waiting to be unleashed. Salty droplets were racing down my already damp cheeks, and they wouldn't stop. Drip by drip, they fell and slid off my chin, only to be followed by another. It seemed like I had yet to come with terms with the fact Maxon chose Kriss ... and Nicholas and I were next in line for the throne. I took several deep breathes while i kept reminding myself to calm down and stop wasting my tears, for he wasn't worth it. Soon enough I was able to reach the point where I composed myself, assuring myself that not another waterfall would start anytime soon. I started to heave out the bags from under the bed and soon enough click's could be heard all around the room as i opened them ... After all, I am leaving Illéa.

Putting one step infront the other, i walked around the room, my eyes dancing over every wall, crevice and object. Memories flashed ahead of me and flooded me until my eyes turned glassy. I glanced over at the balcony, where Maxon and I shared our first kiss, second to be more accurate, but either way it was more than just magical. All this reminiscence just reminded me of what I couldn't have and what could never be mine - him. A lump started to grow in my throat as I almost choked on my tears, not wanting another breakdown, where I knew it would take me forever to come back from and tune in to reality. I heard someone knock on the door; guessing it was Nicholas I opened the door without hesitation, but to my surprise I found Maxon. My eyes widened, "What are you doing here?", I sighed. Deciding not to waste anymore time, I slammed the door in his face ... only he stopped that from occurring by putting his shoe in between. That  reminded me of the selection ... when we would go on dates; the one on the rooftop was still my favorite, the sensation i felt when I was up there; it felt like we were the only people on the planet who could never be separated ... how wrong i was proved! After all, here we are in this situation.

I masked my eyes, throwing on a facade where i made sure not even one emotion was showcased or out for the world to see; I didn't want to show how much pain i felt, the agony that coursed through my blood with even just the sound of his name, or the simple thought of him, I didn't let it what those perfect memories brought. He swiftly opened the door, me taking a step back and my eyes guarded, as my breathing started to uneven. Shutting the door behind him, he started to came closer. Getting intimidated quite easily after the ways he shattered my heart so easily like it was worthless, I took a step back, biting my lip to prevent the whimper that wanted escaping so badly. He noticed my tremblings lips and distance i was creating, and he looked hurt, but that didn't stop him from coming closer. Each step he took caused my heart to accelerate faster as the time seemed to slow down. He came closer and closer like a lion ready to pounce on its prey. I gulped while i biting my lip harder and tried to stop him, "S-stop, you've already made it hard enough for the both of u-", he cut me off in the most unexpected way. His soft lips collided with mine, the feeling and rush so familiar ... yet this time there were tears flowing down my cheeks as well. No matter how much i wanted to get lost in him again, I couldn't find it in me to do so. I placed my palms on his chest trying to push him away tried to pull away, yet I couldn't my mind and heart was in constant conflict. He pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. holding me so tightly yet at the same time handling me gently as if i was made out of china. I felt the his heart pounding against my chest, it felt so wrong but at the same time I felt as if belonged in his arms. I closed my eyes as more tears scuttled over my cheeks and his lips moved over mine, mine still and motionless, yet I wanted to do anything but.

Soon enough, he pulled away when he tasted my tears. He sighed ... and the look in his eyes, I will never forget. They held the windows to the deepest part of his soul that now was drowning in sorrow and regret. The agony I felt from just his gaze on me, shattered my heart even further. "My love..." I felt his breath fan over my lips, even his sigh was filled with sadness. I shook my head, preventing him from speaking ... he went in for another kiss, yet I put force on my palm that was placed over his chiseled chest, pushing him away. I pulled away, and walked over to the other side of room facing the window staring out the garden, while I heard another sigh echo. The close proximity had stolen my voice, but as now I am away, I try to find it back.

But all that comes out is a harsh yet despair filled whimper, "Why ... why are you making it harder ... are you forgetting that we both are engaged AND NOT TO EACH OTHER. We cant be together and you know it" I took a deep breathe in trying to calm myself down as i continued, " you fed me lies, and you go choose Kriss, and then you come here and kiss me like it all never happened and as if you actually love me," I stood up straighter, looking him exactly in they eyes, and whispered, "And then you look at me, with that look in your eyes you give me every single time I THOUGHT WE WERE IN LOVE!!!" The fireworks started again as my eyes were left no mercy as they started filling again, but i made sure to keep them from shedding, atleast not infront of him. I shook my head, chuckling sadly, "Only i realized too late it was was only ever one-sided". I threw my hands in the air and dropped them abruptly. "Just show yourself out the door. Right. Now", I exclaimed when I saw him opening his mouth to continue his little charade. I raise my hands, palm shown outward and closed my eyes, "You never gave me a chance to explain and so I shall repay you the favor". I waited for the sound of the door closing shut and his footsteps turning lighter before I broke a promise I made barely a few minutes ago ... My knees gave out as I broke down all over again.


Hi guys, I want to start off with an apology we have been busy the past couple of days so we weren't able to post sorry again and hope your having a good day.


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