F o u r

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America's POV:

I was standing in the main ballroom which was holding the engagement party. Kriss insisted of me staying for a while, I knew it was some sort of foolish and witted plan of hers to make me feel inferior and negligent, to show me that she was the victor - why should I care though, I was abandoning this palace with haunted, depressing memories anyways.

Nicholas had sauntered up onto the stage that was in the corner of the ballroom. Once he was able to quieten down the crowd by the swift movements of his hand, he started by saying, "I have a special announcement to make, America would you please join me here". I drew in a deep breath and slowly made my way up there without a moment of hesitation or doubt, already knowing what was going to ascend and being prepared. Nicholas gazed at me; his eyes questioning me whether I was completely sure of my decision. I gave him a minute nod declaring him to proceed, "I know we barely know each other but your truly amazing qualities and personality; everything good and bad draws me to; your passion, stubbornness and most of all kindness. I hope our love for each other grows in the years yet to come." He got down on one knee all the while looking at me lovingly and said "America Rose Singer ..." everyone within 10 miles radius of us seemed to be holding in their breathes as all their gazes seemed to be transfixed on us two. "Will you marry me?".

I was overwhelmed with various sentiments. He loved me ... even though we have barely talked to each other, and even further know almost nothing about the other except the usual pleasantries and casualties, he loves me ... But will I be able to love him? He was so sweet, generous and caring. This small gesture had made the cold, frozen ice and the deep, blemished scars that were growing on my heart, since Maxon had rejected me, melt away to almost nothingness. I wanted to love Nicholas with all my heart but I knew that Maxon will still hold a part of it. I was hoping time will heal. There was no going back now. Taking in a deep breathe and looking him straight in the eyes, hoping my own provided with all the promises of love and care I could bring up ... "Yes" was all I managed to say.

He smiled the brightest most charming grin I had ever seen on his face, which not only lit up the whole room with warmth and endless joyous, but it also made me unbelievably happy that I was the reason behind his joviality, contentment and pleasure. I smiled back at him, looking down a little afraid my cheeks decided to change color for no apparent reason.

The crowd burst into an applause as he slid his signet ring onto my hand. After we walked off the stage I leaned in and whispered in his ear "I am guessing that we are heading out to Italy in the morning?" He nodded, "Soo ... I guess I should go pack up my belongings" I replied which he answered to with a slight grin of his. "Yes, and if you would not mind, I will come to check on you later tonight, ok?" I gave him a small nod and started walking towards to my room, as thoughts started to crowd my mind; I should call Anne, Mary and Lucy to tell them what happened but I felt someone tug on my arm and held me back.

I turned around to see...Maxon. I loosened myself from his grip and started to walk away but he caught up to me. "Why?" he whispered, barely audible. I scoffed silently in mind yet displaying a blank expression telling him clearly I won't be revealing or answering him anytime soon. But soon I broke as I voiced, "Well I think there is no need of an explanation as you were there when he proposed to me, were you not?" I didn't give him a chance to answer back as I just wanted to get away as quickly as possible. I continued, " You proposed to someone else, so I don't see the reason why I can't accept another person's proposal" I bit my lip as my eyes filled with tears and I began to stomp away. But I was a bit too late as Maxon grabbed my hand and said "But you ... you were cheating on me with a guard, do you expect that I would want an explanation after seeing that!?!" I contradicted "He pursued me. I told him very clearly that it was you I was in love with, not him and yet he didn't listen and kept fighting with me ... And not that it would matter to you or you would even care in the slightest of ways" I saw him purse his lips and hurt fill his eyes but I still continued on, undisturbed, "today I was making things clear for him that he was like a best friend, a brother!" He looked at me skeptically while saying "That doesn't explain why you two were inches apart when I came to get you!" I shook my head furious "I tripped Maxon, I tripped!" Maxon mumbled something under his breath which I couldn't care less to figure out. I sighed hoping this would soon get over and continued, "Excuse me your majesty" I curtsied, hurriedly walking away. I took in a deep breath, while repeating in my head the same mantra as I had been doing since I was deceived, My past is behind me, I needed to focus on the future. Let the past remain in the past where it belongs.

I was hoping Maxon would run after me but that wasn't the case. I chided myself for even letting the thought of that stupid, useless scheme entering my mind. I needed to bring myself to terms with reality. Why did it have to be so difficult?


A/N: A long chapter as promised! I got a little over-excited so decided to publish today! Enjoy

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