S e v e n t e e n

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 Maxon's POV:

My eyes glazed over as they followed America and Nicholas dance together.

Her head on his chest.

His arms around her waist.

His lips at her forehead.

I should be happy for them. And I was. But that didn't mean my blood didn't boil every time they came too close to each other or gazed in each other's eyes with an emotion too close to love.

I sighed as I forcefully removed my eyes from their direction to another and make sure it wasn't that obvious that I was having an anger episode, from the weird looks I was receiving from those close around me, as I clenched and unclenched my fists while taking deep breathes and looked around. 

I would have given the beauty around me more attention and awe if I wasn't so busy paying attention to the song, waiting for it to finish while tapping my foot impatiently and glaring at the ground.

And soon it ended.

I gathered up my courage and while giving myself a small pep talk to not mess this up, more than I already have, and made my way to America. After all, Nicholas said its ok.

 Clearing my throat a bit to gather her attention, I said, "Would you like to dance, My Lady?" while extending my hand. Though inside I was a nervous wreck from being near her after so long, I kept up a calm facade and even threw in a small smile.

Pats back for not saying something stupid, I mentally thought as I saw her gaze watching me cautiously.

She hesitantly slid her delicate hand in my hand and nodded. Her eyes were focused on the ground as I led her to the centre of the room.

Since what has felt like forever, I finally wrapped my arms around her, bringing her a lot closer than I intended to. Thankfully she didn't seem to notice, as when I caught her gaze, she seemed to be eyeing me with ... I have no idea. It wasn't hatred but it wasn't exactly something good either. As we swayed to the rhythm, a tense silence seems to surround us, it wasn't awkward, yet nowhere near comfortable either.

"So, Your Highness, How have you been?" I said while grinning, trying to start a conversation, making it sound like I was the most carefree man in this world and had whatsoever not even a single problem, when in fact my life was the complete opposite. I missed her more than the stars missed the moon. I missed her more than anyone has ever missed a loved one. And at this moment, there was nothing more I wanted to do than to kiss her like my life literally depended on it.

"Stop being so formal Maxon," she said, giving me a small smile, breaking me out of my hazardous thoughts. "Okay. But America, I have to say something ... it's always been you ... I still love you," I said, desperately wishing that we were in any situation but this. She's married, Maxon! What the hell are you talking about! And she's the freaking queen of Italy, to add a little spice to the situation, my conscience yelled.

 She looked at me as if I was crazy as her eyes widened and her lips pulled into a frown. "Umm ... Maxon ... I ..." she started nervously as she couldn't seem to focus at me as they seemed to flit from one place to another in haste. "I apologize deeply America, I wasn't thinking straight when I said that. Can we at least be ... umm ... you know –friends?" I asked, feeling the awkward tension built between us as I said that, but I obviously wanted so much more - maybe time will tell, their marriage could be a failure. After all, it was rushed, but she won't come back to me either way and why was I hoping something bad for America. I was a horrible, arrogant and selfish person but I had a reason ... I LOVE HER! And that was reason enough.

"Maxon, of course, we can be friends," she said giving me a tight-lipped grin, smiling sweetly. "Well, that's very appreciated and good to hear. On a lighter note though, I am absolutely positive that you are going to be an amazing queen for Italy. I will be looking forward to your reign ... And at a further point, my father can see how amazingly talented you are," I said honestly. "Maxon!!! Are you serious right now," she whisper-yelled angrily as I laughed. "Okay, okay. You have nothing to prove to my father, just know how amazing you are, ok?" I said.

I missed the little 'moments' that we used to have. I gulped loudly trying to prevent myself from kissing her right then and there. I had to remind myself that she wasn't mine anymore. I had one shot and I messed that up ... wow, just wow, I thought to myself. I saw America look at me, tilting her head slightly. "Maxon stop ... you know, I think we were never meant to be," she said, looking at me sadly. Ughhh, had I said that out loud?

"Yes you did," the sadness that was present in her eyes from before seemed to have disappeared, replaced with something akin to amusement.

"And as to your previous statement, I already know how amazing and gorgeous I am," she said, smirking slightly, while flipping her hair, making us both forget the little tense moment we just had, if not, a few moments ago. Our laughs seemed to echo into the night as we were finally relaxed around each other, for the first time in a long time.

She suddenly pointed to her heels, while giggling. "I think I better stop dancing. I think I've tortured my innocent toes enough for a day. I always did prefer converses," she said before she removed her hands from around my neck.

My hands seemed to have frozen though, as they stayed in their position, around her waist.

Her movements stilled when she realized I had yet to depart, as she gazed into my eyes. Too many emotions flashed by for me to pinpoint, yet one always remained - sadness. We seemed to be taken into another world as our gazes never left each other before a broken whisper broke through.

 "Maxon ..." she said, barely audible. If I wasn't standing so close to her, I doubt I would've heard it.

"Right, right," I smiled, breaking out of my trance as I torturously, slowly removed my hands from where there belonged. Shut up!

"Off you go, have mercy on your feet, My Lady," I grinned, trying to diminish and forget the moment we just had. 

She smiled slightly, if not sadly before she moved away.

Would this be the last time I let go of her, forever?


We apologize for the late update! Just a little writer's block. But we hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you all so much! Please, please, please, vote!


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