T h i r t y - f i v e

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America's POV:

Maxon wouldn't allow me to leave his side to find the twins no matter how I begged, not letting the tears fall yet. He promised that they would already be there in the main safe room, and if not, he would go get them himself.

He held my hand tightly, making my chances from zero to none of going after my beautiful babies. Guiding me down the endless staircase urgently, I heard voices.

Not letting myself think of the worst scenarios, I put my shaking hand on my chest, hoping with all my heart that nothing would happen to them. If something...

"Where's mommy?"

I would recognize that curious voice anywhere. Ahren.

"America, wai-" I could barely hear Maxon's protest as I rushed to Ahren's side. Scooping him into my arms, I burst into tears, not being able to hold it back anymore. Cradling him, I see from the corner of my eyes Maxon doing the same to Eadlyn while checking if I was alright.

If the situation wasn't so critical, I would've laughed at his over protective nature.

"Mommy is right here, my babies, right here," I cooed , taking Eadlyn from Maxon and kissing both my babies.

"Everything's going to be okay, everything's going to be okay," I whispered repeatedly with my eyes shut tight, holding onto them tighter.

It was getting late and the twin's were growing restless with every passing minute.

"But mommy, why can't we go up?" Eadlyn questioned with her baby doll eyes blinking adorably.

"I don't like this place," Ahren mumbled, clutching his tiny arms around my waist.

In a lost of words as the panic still had its grip on me, I looked helplessly at Maxon.

Like a deer caught in red highlights, he started towards the children, almost seeming nervous as he scratched his head, searching for the right words.

"How about we play a game?"

"Maxon, I don't think-"


"Which game?"

"I'm going to win anyways."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I-"

"Kids, kids, how about we start the game first, huh?" Maxon interrupted them.

"So, these are the rules..."

Soon after, satisfied and exhausted with the day's work, Maxon and I finally got them to sleep on the cots.

Mostly Maxon though, he was pretty good with the kids. That also being the understatement of the century.


"Yes, baby? Go back to sleep, darling." I ran my hand through Eadlyn's hair, massaging her forehead.

"Where's daddy?" I felt myself go still as the kids went into a deep sleep.

It never occurred to me that Nicholas wasn't there with us and when it did, I immediately started over-thinking the situation, imagining of the worst that could happen.

I was just so worked up over the kids, he completely slipped my mind. How could I forget this? I smackedmy forehead, my breathing getting labored.

"Maxon what if something happened to him," I stated fearfully. I didn't want to think of it in this way but if anything did happen I wouldn't know what to do.

A Twist in FateWhere stories live. Discover now