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Maxon's POV:

As much as I wanted to run after her, I didn't have the heart to ... I just couldn't ... it's like something was physically stopping me, when all I should be doing is forcing her to listen to me and trying to comprehend her. "America" ... I whispered, but I was too late ... she was already gone, not just from my sight, but soon my world as well. My heart smashed to smithereens, leaving behind shards desperate to be around their love one more time yet it was inevitable. I couldn't stand the pain anymore. The simple maddening idea of a life without America caused terrors to run through my body, as trembles whispered down my spine and my blood froze ice cold.

I felt the sudden urge to throw up as my stomach twisted and tangled into knots. My senses turned nostalgic. Suddenly realization of what I had done suddenly hit me like a hammer. What had I done ... I lost her again, to the wind ... one moment we are talking about our future and evident, beautiful memories to be made, and the next thing I know, I am standing in the middle of a hallway thinking about what I lost ... not what – but who, someone who was more precious than all the gold worth in this miserable, pathetic excuse of a planet. A silent tear rolled down my cheek as my lips trembled trying to hold in the sobs that wanted out and to rack through me and to stop the tremors that ran through my body. I ruined both our lives and now look where I stand ... in the position of a senseless, crazy man who got engaged to the wrong woman and seeing the love of his life disappear from his life.

The thought of flying into her arms and informing her how much I love her, ran through my mind constantly but I sensed that by now she couldn't stand the simple thought of me. My knees buckled as I fell, followed by the heavy thud that echoed the hallways as my legs give away, and stared clawing the marble floors thinking it would ease the torture and the physical pain would distract me from the one growing inside my heart yet it was futile. Somewhere in the back of my mind a quiet voice whispered reminding me of what my father would do to me if he found me in this state. I shook the thought away because no matter what, there was nothing he could do, no numbers of whiplashes or the amount of days, or even weeks he could starve me that would hurt me more than the agony growing inside of my heart. Whatever I did, my whole world was fiercely, rapidly spinning out of control and it would be a few moments of time before everything came crashing down. For god's sake, I let the love of my life get snatched away into a world far away from me.

Far away from me ... those words kept repeating in my head in a fastidious rate as they kept spinning around. A world without America ... I'd rather die than live without her, and I wouldn't even be living as a life without her, isn't a life worth living. I can't let her go, even if it would be selfish of me after all the pain and heartache I caused her, I just couldn't ...

Suddenly determination set in. I have to get her back, no matter what obstacle stood in my way, or even if I had to gravel onto my knees and join my hands, begging her until she forgave me. It doesn't matter if she did cheat on me ... "I was explaining to him that he was just a brother to me and you're the one I'm in love with, not him" ... or maybe she never did cheat on me ... Anger and frustration took over me as I realized what I had caused to occur all because of my mistrust in her, if only I had believed her, how could I have let jealousy overtook me ... now look where I landed, engaged to some other woman, who could be nothing compared to America ... There isn't a woman in this world who could be anything like America. I sighed, I couldn't let small things like these get in between us. Then and there I swore to never let anything tear us apart again ... but for that, we'll have to get back together, and that might prove itself to be quite a problem, as we were both engaged, and not to each other ... all because of me and my foolishness! I stood up with my mind set and one, and only one goal to accomplish.


Hey guys! I know most of you will probably not read the author's note at the end, but please, just this once, i offer a cookie ...

Gonna make this short as possible! Just wanted to thank you all for voting and even reading our book, it means a lot to us! Thanks for giving this book a chance and i really hope u enjoy the journey! 

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Gonna make this short as possible! Just wanted to thank you all for voting and even reading our book, it means a lot to us! Thanks for giving this book a chance and i really hope u enjoy the journey! 

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Until tomorrow, have an amazing day y'all!


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