T w e n t y - S e v e n

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Maxon's POV :

My eyes trailed after her frame as she took delicate yet elegant steps towards the door and left ... leaving me wanting more yet I restrained. Remind me again why I stopped kissing her... right, nevermind.

I clenched my fists tighter and made sure to root my feet firmly on the ground so that I don't end up running after her and continuing where we left off.

The sensation of having every inch of her pressed deliciously against mine caused every rational thought of mine to be thrown out of the window and to bring her back in my arms, where she was meant to be, and show her who exactly she belonged to.

Yet now, as the thought truly registered in my mind, it only brought tears in my eyes... she wasn't really really mine now was she...

I shook my head furiously and turned around to prepare myself for a cold shower - that was desperately needed as I moved around painfully cautiously slow. And still, as I walked towards the shower, my thoughts raged.

Nicholas was going to have hell to pay for. While America wasn't the type to hold grudges, neither was she one to forgive so easily.

What was going to happen between them and what could Nicholas possibly do to be granted forgiveness?

America's POV:

My mind was a jungle of thoughts as I walked towards Nicholas's and I's room. I still could not yet come to terms with all the happenings and now I had these weird cravings for pastries! God, what was wrong with me? One second I'm being forced into a kiss, the next running, then crying for what not, then giggling, then... that - what happened back in Maxon's room - that! 

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, yet the action only proved futile as it only made me dizzy.


I placed my hand against the wall beside the door and rested for a few free seconds before I entered our room with my mind set on a decision. I was going to give him the silent treatment! Usually, I would demand answers until I was satisfied but I was too tired to interrogate him for his reasons and would wait until he proved himself justice. Not that there was any justice to be proved, right...?! Right?!

Gosh, all this thinking and questioning was giving me a headache-

"America!" an anguished whispered broke through my endless vicious thoughts and suddenly arms were around me.

How dare he-

"America, I am so sorry. Words cannot describe how apologetic I am! I was so worried about you, where have you been all this while? Are you alright? Is the baby okay? Do you want to visit the doctor? I can bring one right away! Are you feeling dizzy? Do you want a cup of water-" he stopped his rumbling when he realized I wasn't hugging him back or responding.

Serves him right, no one can force themselves on me, I thought as his eyes scanned me for injuries.

"America," he whispered dejectedly as he realized he was being given the silent treatment when I made no effort to move or say something.

He sighed. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please give me a chance to redeem myself, please..." At the last word, he went down on his knees and pressed his face into my stomach. "Please," he mumbled.

Oh god, what's wrong with me, again? A few minutes ago I wanted him to bear and now I'm almost about to cry. I kept up the act though and told myself to calm down.

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