The First Victory

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I did it?

I did it!

I beat Pyrite!

Wow, I beat the leader of the rebels!!!!! Me Sapphire Jewel!!! Alone!!!

TJ just finished tying down an unconscious Pyrite, and I was like fine China laying in the center of the world.

" You did good Saphy, I didn't know you had that in you." said the person elevating my head

 i looked up, which i shouldn't have.....

It was Parker

" What do you think? That I was normal?" I asked in a sarcastic tone trying to sit up

" I didn't think you could summon lightning out of the sky, i was actually really impressed." he said lifting my head up

" What do you mean by 'actualy'." i asked

" Well, its not everyday you see someone have super powers, now is it." he answered

" Ya, i get that a lot." i said

I looked around my surroundings.....

TJ was currently beating the yogurt out of pyrite, Emily and Garnet were sobbing into each others shoulders, and Caspar was with Claire. The field then swarmed with students who cheered my name.

It felt really weird to be in this position. I was finally what I wanted to be, Me. It doesn't feel right actually...

i walked over to Claire and Caspar and when i got closer i saw that Caspar was comforting Claire.

" I....... Thought...... She...... Was..... Going....... To...... Ahhhhhh!!!!" she sobbed into his shoulder

" Shes ok, she survived because of your support. Thank you." he said

A tear ran down his face as he embraced Claire for a hug. Then i saw a looked in his eye that I have never seen before, a new emotion.

which i think you could all figure out, eh.

I decided not to ruin the moment and i walked back towards the crowd.

Someone ran up to me and whispered into my ear

" Everyone would like a speech please Mistress" said a tiny little girl

She pulled up a wooden box ( I have no ide where she got it from) and she gestured for me to stand on it.

Here goes nothing.

" My fellow students," i began to say as I looked over to my parents

My mom was crying and my dad gave me the thumbs up to continue.

"  I am a nobody, I'm just like each and everyone of you. But, one unique thing about me is that I am part of the dragon Gem. I have the power to control lightning and electrical currents. I know this may be a lot to take in, but the man I just fought was the leader of the society that wants to destroy my family. Please don't be afraid of me and all of you could approach me and ask me any questions you want at any time. Thank you students for the huge support." i said

I stepped off of the wooden box and the crowd erupted in cheers. Still very very weird. Like, I thought a riot would erupt, you know?


* Garnet's Perspective*  

Yolo, Let me formally introduce myself,   I am The one and only Garnet Isabelle Jewel   I have red eyes ( but during the day i wear brown contacts), short brown hair, and i think I'm a good size for myself. I'm like 5' 5" and i love the heat. I guess I'm just a weirdo :).

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