A Spark

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"I'M SO GLAD YOUR OK!" yelled Emily

"DON'T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!" screamed Garnet

Wow, shes over protective. But, in a good way

Everyone surround me in the room, except for TJ, hmm.

"Wheres TJ?" I ask.

everyone points outside in the , and I see TJ sitting down on a plastic chair in the hospitals hallway. As I walk over to him I see a tiny tear roll down his cheek. I tap on his shoulders and he Immediately wipes away the tear. I thought that was very sweet until he said...

"Wow, you must love to give us heart attacks." Sarcasm filled his voice until everything got serious

" Mom wants me to train you to control your powers, we start after you feel better."

He stood up and walked out of the hallway. You see TJ is one to be very blunt, everyone in the family knows that.

We didn't speak to each other for the rest of the day. I never knew how nice and concerned he was about me, he always keep those feelings hidden and replace them with teasing and rude remarks.

I was able to leave the hospital that day and we arrived home.

"Good night honey." Says my mom in a sweet tone. She closed the door and assumed I went to bed, but I wasn't tired.

I decided that I should try training by myself. It would be good if I did that, Right? Ya, I think so, at least. Right????? Oh well!

I quietly walked downstairs and got aluminum foil thinking to myself that it could help protect me. I came back up to my room and took out every thing that was in my closet. I literally threw every thing onto the floor. Great more mess to add to my room!

I covered the closet walls with foil and I called it my new, homemade "training center".

I stepped inside 


I was inside the closet and started my practice.

I rolled part of a foil on me, so I hopefully didn't get hurt in anyway.

"Here goes nothing." I whisper

I thought of all of the hatred that surrounded my life as a Dragon Gem. The hatred boiled inside of me like boiling water. This is good I thought to myself. I put my hand out in front of myself, as if I were a waiter and tried to channel the energy to the palm of my hand.

I SAW IT! well I saw something. It looked like a minuscule spark was in the middle of my palm! my power was electricity! I think.

I think I was getting to excited because the spark grew.

And now it was out of my control.

It shot out of my palm, hit the foil covered wall, and bounced of the wall, hitting none other than me! It hurt a little, but I liked the feeling. I felt really tingly after that.

" I should practice some more!" screamed my thoughts

But then I heard footsteps approaching to my bedroom. I quickly ducked under my covers and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

" Sapphire? Was that you?" asked my Mom

I don't know why but I continued to pretend I was asleep. She finally left and I stood up to go to the closet again, but all of a sudden I felt winded. Ok I think that's enough for now.

I'm so happy! tomorrow is the first day of summer and my first day of training! What more could a gem like me want!

I drifted to sleep and the whole night I had a dream, of a picture. It was a dark blue lightning bolt, in the dark space of my mind.

It made me happy to think that I was powerful, and know I knew it. For a Fact!


Wow! I just came outside and I see a full training center in my backyard. There are targets on the fence, dummies I can punch, and a giant shed covered in some sort of rubber.

"Lets begin." says TJ startling me from behind

We both walk together to the center of our backyard and I take it all in. Did he make this all for me? Overnight? Because last time I checked I didn't have a training center in my backyard.

He "HAD" to explain to me the rules of the training center...

1 . don't go against the teacher's judgment

2. Always try your best

3. if your in pain you will gain (power)

4. safety first, wear a rubber outfit

Wow, he even made rules...

I'm still in shock that this was so professional! TJ really went all out.

He asked if I knew what my power was and I told him what happened last night. I guess he liked the fact I tried to train by myself.

Point Sapphire


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