Rewritten wrongs

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Quix sat in the carriage hugging Rebel into his side, the human stayed still, just trying not to fall asleep.

They approached a house in a large town, an older man stood on the veranda smiling at them, he ushered them in and showed them were to put the boxes, Quix got Rebel to help by having him hold smaller boxes and following him, the man helped by grabbing boxes as well.

"Ok now we're all set, let's get to introductions" stated the man as he and Quix waved goodbye to the driver, they walked into the house, it seemed empty of humans, except for Rebel who was walking around and looking at everything.

"My name young man is Jack, and this is mine well will soon be your rescue house" stated the man, he smiled at Quix, "I'm Quix, and what do you mean by that?" Asked Quix, "well all retiree's of certain jobs need to train and decide whether the trainee is worthy, and without bad intentions, so for us and most other trainers we retire on the second year of your time here and leave the trainee to inherit everything, thus making them a full fledged rescuer or anything else that requires living in with your trainer, some things such as being a chef or builder does not require living in with your trainer." Explained Jack in seemingly one breath, Quix gazed at him in bafflement, "and if you succeed you'll be one of the first vampire rescuers, there are some alien rescue house owners as well as two werewolf rescue house owners, I am a half breed rescue house owner" explained the man in his quick but easily understandable way.

"Ok... Why is there no humans?" Asked Quix, "well some went off to new homes, my personal ones have all passed away sadly, one of old age, another of sickness and the third of sadness, yes it turns out sadness can be deadly" stated Jack staring at his feet for a second, his hat slid off his head revealing his fluffy ears, "and any others were sent off to other rescue houses" added Jack, shaking off his sad spell.

"We will receive several humans soon though, you will be thrown into the deep end, but from what I've heard of you and your sweet human there, you'll do fine, these humans were from the town that I believe you and one other put a stop to their mistreatment" said Jack, Quix gazed at him in surprise, "yes, I have heard things my boy, word travels fast between rescue houses," added Jack with eyes that seemed to twinkle in delight, he led Quix outside, Rebel followed curiously.

"This is the backyard, its very big and that large paddock was used for goats, they have all grown old and passed now" explained Jack, the backyard was big and paddock was even bigger, "humans love responsibility, especially when it involves bonding with something else, having another pet species is always a good thing" stated Jack, he showed Quix a small shed which was used to hold toys and sport equipment, it was still full, several human supplies and leads lined one wall, along with several tubs.

Jack showed Quix the various rooms in the house and then took Rebel for a walk to the human park, they let Rebel roam about, he seemed pleased with himself at least.

After a few days went by, a carriage arrived with humans, the humans didn't seem fazed by anything, they were dull, just like how Quix saw them so long ago, this wasn't all of them, this was only five, Jack was quick to collect them, he did them one by one, he brought them inside and placed each one on a separate couch cushion, telling Quix to watch them for signs of aggression towards one another, they needn't of bothered.

Rebel approached each one, they didn't seem interested, this saddened Rebel who sat and watched everything unfold, Quix wished he had Jack's ability to remain cool and calm, in the face of such an upsetting sight.

Jack was soft spoken, he spoke far slower to the humans, they didn't seem to understand or care, but that didn't stop Jack, Quix was in charge of cleaning, cooking and changing the humans beds as well as washing clothes, Jack was the one who bathed the humans, feeding the humans and more, he slowly had Quix transition into that, he wanted Quix to do everything else first to help instill a tendency to get everything else done, as once Quix is by himself, it will be a lot more work.

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