A job of a job

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The early afternoon had gone on uneventfully, with Tax testing a few words that he knew to mean 'stop', he even looked up a thesaurus, turns out a lot of words mean stop, but as Goldy had once again approached the lamp he sighed "cease your torment" he dramatically breathed, she huffed and walked away, Tax lit up, Quix and Geo laughed, "I guess the workers had to say that a lot" chuckled Geo.

It wasn't much longer till Quix's new friend left, Geo said he had another class soon. So that left the two owners to begin preparing for their jobs, Tax worked at a general store and Quix worked at a restaurant, that had one of the best lunch menu's around. Goldy, sensing the mood shift to uneasiness began muttering and keeping out of their way, not knowing that the boys were upset about what will happen with the humans.

"They might let Goldy in the general purpose store" muttered Quix knowing that Tax was fond of the golden haired female, but Tax merely shrugged, "I dunno... I still feel kinda guilty" muttered Tax, "besides doesn't your boss have a human that sleeps in the cozy area with the couches" added Tax, Quix nodded, "ugh don't feel bad, I just wish we could somehow communicate the misinterpretation, but yes, Sarah does let Olive sleep in the 'cozy area'" stated Quix thoughtfully, he proceeded to ring her

"Hey Sarah, its me, Quix, no no, I'm not doing a last minute shift change, I just wanna know if I could let my humans hang out in the restaurants lounge?" Asked Quix, and after a few more minutes they hung up, "yea, she's fine with it" stated Quix, "but if you want to take any of the two, go right ahead" added Quix, Tax slowly nodded, "for today it'll be best leaving them at your work, besides, Goldy will only get into everything" chuckled Tax.

With that settled, the two guys finished getting ready and went to retrieve Echo, who irritably got up and due to his, just woken up state, allowed them to apply the harness, and they were out the door.

Quix was excited as he tugged the two into his workplace, waving bye to Tax, the humans stared in wonder and in Echo's case, tiredness, Sarah came rushing over, her eyes wide in adoration, "come, come! Olive is going to be so excited!" Gleefully chattered Sarah, she was an aged woman, not old enough to have the saggy skin, but old enough to have deep smile wrinkles.

She led the three down a corridor and into a large room with a TV, three couches and a fire place, resting on a dog bed with lots of blankets, was a olive skinned human male, he was a beefy boy, and quite fit looking, comparing this older human to the scrawny youths was almost laughable, but Quix walked over and gave the naked man a head rub, the brown hair now thoroughly messed up.

Olive looked at the two and dived for them, hugging them tightly and talking quite fast, but they managed to understand small parts, while Sarah and Quix watched in surprise, soon Olive slowed down and sighed. "Sorry! I just love to make friends, you two sure are young, but everyone will love you guys!" Slowed Olive, Goldy smiled "who?" She asked, "the people that come here to sit and be happy" stated Olive, none of them really understood what a restaurant was.

Happy they were getting along, Quix scurried off to start working, Sarah hung around and praised Olive, before forcing herself to leave, Echo was already falling asleep on the blankets, Olive smiled and picked Goldy up and placing her on the blankets as he to lay down. Goldy wanted to explore, but she didn't want to be alone, so defeated she sat at the edge of the blankets and watched the fire, it was warm and made her feel tingly, she didn't know what it was, but by the tingles, she could tell not to to get any closer.

The first hour of work went well, Quix was waiting tables and the three humans got plenty of attention, Echo was reserved about it, but Olive was super encouraging so he allowed himself to be patted, Goldy was a star favorite very quickly, she would get up and follow people and let them affectionately rub her, even children played with her, she didn't understand the games, but she knew that she would learn, however slowly.

Goldy was playing chase with some kids, before some rude man walked in front of her and let her crash into him, he shoved her away angrily, "stupid animal" he had growled. Goldy didn't understand the words and was confused on why the man was mad, so she went around him, her feelings may have been hurt, but she was a brave little girl. One woman scolded the man, Goldy oblivious hurried after the children, they were now being seated at a table because their food was ready, Goldy frowned and sulked back to the lounge.

The man entered the lounge soon after, Goldy was standing and letting a child garbble on about something in its language, but faithfully she stood and listened, enjoying the happy tone of the child, the man, avoiding the child stepped on Goldie's feet, she yelped and stumbled away.

A whimper escaping her lips, Echo let out a low growl, but was shushed by Olives hand, Olive carried the offended Goldy to the blankets and cuddled her close, the child was seemingly annoyed, childishly telling the man off, who was attempting to play it off as an accident, the mother of the child just scowled and led her child away.

Quix came bolting into the room, eyes wide, he looked as Goldy was being spooned by Olive as he attempted to calm her, she was pretty upset, "what happened?" Questioned Quix, someone explained what happened and Quix quickly gave Goldy a hug and rushed off to find an apple and get more orders. Echo was a grumpy boy, he didn't look at the man, he let everyone touch him, but if that man did, Echo knew he'd make the man regret it.

It was as Quix rushed in with the apple, the man was trying to shove the bed out of his way so he could stretch his legs, and then he tried pushing the humans, "excuse me sir, what are you doing?" Asked Quix, Echo had a glare on his face and Olive was shifting away from the man, "I'm moving the animals, out of my way" stated the man, Quix passed Goldy the apple, she quickly brightened, "please do not push the 'animals'" said Quix in a sarcastic professional voice, but Quix had to hurry off to keep doing his job.

The next few hours went on quickly, Goldy would play with kids yet again, a jerk or two might bully her, and things seemed to be reaching a balance, but Quix was exhausted, Tax arrived at around 6:00 to pick up the humans, he gave Quix a smile and said a quick greeting before leaving with the tired humans.

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