fortama, the great break

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Quix scuffed his shoe into the clean carpet, he stood in front of a door, it was going to hold everything he has had, except for a few things. Geo rushed over, "sorry for the wait! I needed to get things set!" Huffed Geo as he breathed heavily from the mad dash he had made, "it's fine" grumbled Quix, Geo eyed Quix who was still scuffing his shoe, shrugging Geo opened the door and entered it, all of Tax's and Quix's furniture was properly placed.

Hurried footsteps traveled down the hall, Geo's place was stunning, with white and grey walls, two stories and carpeted hallways that were at the back of the house, with each room having its own bathroom, and toilet, "what an upgrade!" Exclaimed Tax, he held Goldie's hand and she was giggling from the rush over, Quix glanced at them as he rested his arm on his suitcase, "someone's nervous" stated Tax, Quix rolled his eyes, his pride didn't want him admitting that yes, he is nervous, Echo rested on the staircase near the entrance of the house.

With suitcases ready and trackers firmly connected with human collars the group headed out, Geo was going to the years fortama but he wasn't apart of Tax's and Quix's group, the humans all had backpacks firmly strapped on, and they waited at the entrance of Geo's house, for the carriages to pick them up, it was once normal for someone attending their fortama to walk to the first destination but all due to the fortama pet tragedy, noone could start their fortama without registering their pet to their carriage.

Geo's carriage appeared first, a young girl with floppy ears and a fluffy tail, most vampires crossed with werewolves are born with wolf features, she slowed down her piebald clydesdales and called for Geo, he was quick to get himself acquainted with the friendly horses, the two humans were checked over by the girl and Geo was off. Quix was getting impatient and more nervous, he had never had a year long vacation.

Finally the clip clop of hooves approached, it was a carriage pulled by two bay and chestnut Belgian horses, they let out a snort and watched Quix and Tax with gentle eyes, the driver was a man with a large hat and pointed vampire ears, he nodded a greeting, Quix did a small one and hurriedly grabbed his suitcase, Tax was more polite in saying a polite "hello" and swooning over the horses, horses didn't need bridles, as history showed humans arguing over bitless and bitted options everyone just decided to train horses without them, and it showed, with heads held high and patient hearts.

Quix put his stuff on board and Tax soon did as well, the man hopped off his seat and strolled towards the very confused siblings, Goldy as always was first to greet him, he carefully looked her over, she had been shoved into a warm jacket and comfy pants, and he was careful when looking her over so as not to completely remove the clothes, despite his needed job to inspect pets for signs of abuse, he really didn't want her to get cold waiting for him to finish, happy that she was healthy he checked her papers and let her join Tax and Quix, he then started on Echo, examining the boys face, the coach driver stopped and stared, Echo tilted his head, they both found each other familiar but age can change many things, and so Echo shrugged off the feeling and let the hat wearing, bearded man examine him, the man shook his head and finished up, "all good" stated the man, he nodded and watched the two boys who were standing nervously, now even Tax was beginning to get excited and shy.

Quix lifted Goldy up onto the carriage and dragged himself up, Tax called Echo over, who was to distracted with looking at the carriage driver to hear, rolling his eyes, Tax hurried over and lifted up the boy, Echo realising what's happening buried himself in Tax, he found comfort in the werewolf and happily let himself be taken into the strange and familiar carriage.

Carriage! Echo began glancing around now, he was suddenly on edge and tense, he wriggled till he slipped out of Tax's arms and found Goldy, he wasn't going to leave her! Not in this place, this is the place were his old shop mates began to vanish, and the thing he was thrown off of, this thing was dangerous, at least to Echo, his behavior confused Quix and Tax and they tried comforting him, and Echo trusted them, but that didn't mean he'd stop being alert and ready, the man called from the front "hey, we're off", and then he clicked and the horses started moving, it only then occurred to Tax why Echo was behaving this way, it was because of that damn Miss Amandi, and her old friends.

He gently held the boy and whispered kind words of reassurance, Quix decided that Tax knew what he was doing and decided to talk to the driver, "he.. Hey so you're our driver... What's your name?" Asked Quix, the man laughed from the driver seat, "haha, nervous I see, yea, fortama jitters get everyone, names Julius," greeted the man, Quix sighed, "you got me there... Uhh do you have any pets?" Asked Quix, the man was quiet for a second, "sure do, got one of the most common names he does, I only got him a companion last year" started the man, Quix nodded slowly, "now she's a bit odd ya see, but noone else could deal with her, she's rebellious and crazy but she's alright ya see" explained Julius, Quix nodded before realising that was a useless motion, "yea our two are pretty good to! Their our first but absolutely fun!" Exclaimed Quix, "they're Echo and Goldy! You never said the name of your two, other than the boy having a common name" added Quix, Julius laughed, "no I didn't, hoping you'd have a jab.. Haha they're Koda and Twister, she's named after that pet training guides old humans" explained the man. It wasn't long till they were pointing out funny human traits to make the trip shorter.

Werewolves, Vampires and their petsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz