Trouble can't be spelt without u

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Quix and Tax stood at the entrance of the apartment trying to hide the humans in their coats, they tip toed in and looked about sighing that the one who rented out the apartment wasn't doing her spontaneous check up of the apartment.

The boy wasn't to happy, he didn't know anything out of being a pet but he still didn't like having a coat shoved over his face, so he began whining, Quix stopped and opened his coat, looking into the frustrated eyes of the boy, he had extremely light blonde hair, and blue eyes, as did the sister, but she was giggling to herself, Quix chuckled, "awe so adorable!!!" He cooed picking up the boy and squeezing him, the boy let out desperate cries of confusion, Tax rolled his eyes, although he wanted to do the same to the little girl watching in childish interest.

Finally Quix put the boy down who scampered away in frustration, "hey! Come back!" Whined Quix, Tax walked over to the crate of things they had bought the humans and looked through it, it was going to be a cold night so the humans would probably need something to wear, this apartment doesn't have a good heating system. He grabbed out a cloak looking thing and pulled it onto the girl who writhed around not wanting this strange object on her, but Tax won out.

The boy was still avoiding Quix, "hey, human!" Called Tax, the boy looked at him tilting his head, he made a noise, he was actually saying yes but noone spoke the language the pet humans had slowly created, "come" commanded Tax gently, the boy cautiously approached, he looked at his sister startled, unsure on how she was wearing the cloak, Tax grabbed him and yanked on a bigger cloak, luckily they had planned on all sizes, by buying a whole range of sizes, the boy whined, "shh" said Quix walking over, he didn't want the renter to arrive and hear the whines of the boy, "what will we name them?" Asked Tax.

It took a while of researching, good names, the siblings had fallen asleep curled up on the couch, but finally Tax and Quix discovered some names they liked, "Echo or Bon?" Asked Tax, he was researching male names, "Echo, definitely" answered Quix, "Cherry or Ray?" Asked Quix, Tax frowned "hmm Cherry maybe... No why not Goldy?" Commented Tax, Quix smiled, "perfect!!!!!" He excitedly agreed, the noise woke up the two humans, Quix pointed to each and repeated their names over and over, the two looked at each other, Echo got up and walked off, curious Quix followed, Echo was checking each room before finding the toilet and making use of it, Quix clapped "Tax he's toilet trained!" Called out Quix, "the lady said they were all toilet trained, weren't you listening?" Called back Tax, Quix didn't reply.

Tax turned on the massive TV and began putting movies into a playlist, he made sure all the movies were about humans, Goldy was bored though so she began exploring the bedrooms, Quix's bedroom had a pile of clothes on a desk, he had cleared the floor for the humans, so curiously Goldy began trying to pull the clothes off the desk, and suddenly the whole pile avalanched onto her.

She was stuck under a pile of surprisingly heavy clothes, she wriggled and muttered to herself, giving up escape she called out to Echo, who answered and found her, the boy laughed at his sisters situation, Quix was still following Echo, so walking into this situation had him trying not to laugh, but also inwardly complaining about how long it took to clean up the floor.

"What's going on?" Called Tax, walking over to the bedroom, he smiled softly as Echo tried tugging Goldy out from under the clothes, soon after one powerful tug she was ejected from the pile straight into her brothers chest. They both ended up on the ground giggling, before Goldy got up and continued her exploration, Echo following and touched everything.

It was soon clear that they should have found out about human curiosity, as Goldy was trying to eat the crust of a pizza that was left on a plate and Echo was trying to figure out how to turn on the computer.

Quix and Tax had their hands full for the rest of the evening, they weren't dumb, the two humans knew they were causing trouble, it was just to much fun, but soon Quix and Tax held the humans and clutched them in their laps and started playing the movies, Echo and Goldy quietly fuming that their fun got ruined.

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