Get yo'self educated

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Quix yawned loudly, the weight of Echo was no longer on his legs, leading Quix to shove off the blanket and look around, Echo was on the floor, guiltily, Quix realised he had probably kicked him off while he was rolling around in his sleep.

The morning was a rush, both boys preparing for their morning classes, the humans sat and ate eggs on toast watching their owners. Finally all ready and set the boys grabbed the harnesses and strapped them onto the humans, along with brown leather collars, the leads were attached to the harness, the humans started pulling at the harnesses, as Goldy and Echo had never been harnessed or collared before, they were confused and uncomfortable.

The pets soon had pockets attached to the harnesses, these were quickly filled with water bottles. It was a struggle dragging the humans out the door, they twisted and pulled, demanding to know what's going on in their own language. They soon gave in and trudged behind the boys, Quix felt guilty, and he kept claiming that he'll reward them with lots of sweets.

Standing and waiting was a girl, Tax's age, she was one of his friends that he had contacted, she lit up seeing the pets, rushing over and cooeing over them, "so how'd everything go?" She asked, Tax frowned and rolled his eyes.

"Hi, oh I'm doing good thanks" muttered Tax before grinning and telling the girl all about the trouble, she frowned once he shut up, "how do you forget they need to drink? Dogs, cats, plants, everything needs water" stated the girl. Tax's face flushed in embarrassment, "there was so much going on..." He muttered, while this was happening, Quix was trying to settle a startled Echo, Goldy looked around warily, but she was a brave little girl.

The girl now annoyed at the stupidity of the two, took Goldie's lead off of Tax, Goldy watched confused and worried, Tax didn't complain, he knew he had been in the wrong, but he also knew Quix was just as guilty in this situation. The group walked around a park, it was lush and green, various people were walking around with dogs, humans and even some horses, it was very peaceful, Goldy was pulling against the harness, she wanted to explore, but for some reason this weird thing was stopping her.

Echo spent the walk behind Tax, he didn't like it when the girl ran at him like that, so he couldn't be run up on while behind Tax.

They started to approach a building, curious and wary, Goldy slowed down and examined it, her childish brain deciding that the building was a tower with princesses and princes, like one of the stories her mother used to tell her. They entered the building, Tax was getting nervous, this could seriously ruin his image, not the having humans part, but bringing said humans to class, but he has gone to far already to stop.

Sneaking into class, the small group headed to the back, the tables had enough room for the humans to hide under, but Echo wasn't happy with this, he whined and grabbed at arms as they tried to have him go under the table, frustrated Tax let out a growl, it wasn't threatening, most werewolves make this noise to help release frustration, but it startled Echo, who now happily cowered under the table, Tax wide eyed and guilty tried to apologise, but the human wasn't having it, Goldy growled at Tax, she had a angry glare in her eyes, as a child, all she knew was that her owner had been mean to her brother and that was unacceptable.

Quix smacked Tax's arm, "now look what you've done" complained Quix, Tax sadly nodded and gave Echo space. Quix was aware of the naturalness of the growl, but seeing Echo's scared eyes made him slightly angry. The girl watched, she sighed and patted Tax's back, "you didn't mean to scare him" she stated. Everyone sat down as the rest of the class entered and soon were followed by the teacher.

Sometime had passed as the teacher spoke, droning on, Goldie's legs were stiff from sitting, and she needed to pee, so not wanting to pee on the floor she crawled out from under the table and began walking towards the door, once she was halfway down, where all the awake students were, people began to notice, chatting and noticing this the teacher watched the girl, she stopped before reaching the door, looking up at Tax's and Quix's shocked faces she realised she didn't know were the toilet was, so she recruited the teacher, he watched her surprised and confused, but a small grin played on his lips, she pointed to her lower regions and to the door, "it seems someone needs to go toilet" stated the teacher, the girl nodded, she understood what a toilet was, "Quix, hurry up and take your human to the toilet" called the teacher, Quix didn't need to be asked again, he was already rushing down the stairs, his vampire speed surprising Goldy, who nearly pee'd herself.

Noticing he was now alone Echo began to cry, he left from under the table and looked at the teacher who was watching knowingly, Tax not wanting to scare Echo more didn't offer a hug, the teacher grinned, "awe, its alright buddy" called the teacher, the students began awe'ing, this sudden onslaught of attention only scared Echo more, who crept up to Tax and hugged the werewolves arm, Tax giving in picked Echo up and let the human hide in his jacket.

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