Echo's soda incident

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Echo played on the swings, Tax was pushing him and Goldy who was on the swing beside him, he laughed happily, Quix could be heard calling out something, Tax ran over to Quix, they began talking in hurried voices, the rescuer had left and now Quix looked desperate.

Echo noticed Rebel was gone so he looked through the nearby bushes and Goldy climbed up the playground ladder to reach a tube, Quix and Tax realised that they were gone freaked out even more and people don't think straight when their going mad, so they split up and ran in two directions, Echo frowned as he got out of the bushes, he saw that everyone was gone, so he headed off in any direction that looked suitable.

It was the thirst district, from people working with coffee beans, to tea leaves and even people who were making fizzy drinks by adding various things to it, some were red, some orange some didn't even have a colour, but the fizziness was easily heard from all over the area, people sat at tables sipping drinks and laughing, Echo wandered through looking at everything, some people cooed over him.

He reached a table with some teenaged Vampires and Werewolves, they gave him a cup of soda and he drank it, the fizz tickled his throat but the taste was nice, he finished the soda and handed the cup to the people, they patted his head, he smiled happily, he liked theses people, of course now he was getting jittery from the sugar rush and he walked to a tall table with a cloth, this table had all the premade drinks, he tried reaching up but tripped and pulled the cloth causing the drinks to rain down, Echo looked around him, someone was yelling and one of the teens scooped him up.

They ran away with the human, they laughed as someone chased them, the person was shouting about how hard they had worked to make all those drinks, the teens kept running, Echo was getting scared and nervously let them put him down, they laughed and chatted excitedly, they noticed how nervous and worried the human looked, so they grabbed his harness and led him towards the theme park.

They bought him some fairy floss (Australian for cotton candy) and led him around as he ate the treat with so much joy, he loved the feeling of it shrinking and dissolving in his mouth, he didn't pay much attention to anything now, all that he cared about was the sweet treat, he laughed every time that it dissolved, the people happily led him around they helped him onto a human ride which was really easy, all that it did was ride the human through a indoor area with music playing, and puppet characters singing to it, at first Echo was terrified but soon the slow movement and happy music lulled him into a sense of safety.

The ride ended and the teens clapped happily, Echo wobbled out of the ride and gave them a smile, they led the human to a seat and told him to stay, they ran off to meet a friend, and Echo would have sat there and not moved if he hadn't of seen someone who resembled Tax and he got up to chase after him, but he lost the person and now couldn't find the seat, he walked around and tried not to cry, he was blocked off from some rides and when he found the ride he had previously been on, well he climbed on and the person minding that ride recognised him and let him have another go, it cheered Echo up till he had to hop off and then he began to look around again.

He wasn't noticed in the massive crowds, with only a quarter of the crowd being made up of fortama goers it wasn't really surprising noone noticed the small human, or at least just thought he was someone else's pet.

He stumbled towards an area less crowded, he began crying from being so lost and confused, he saw a small ferris wheel, he didn't know what it was but he saw Rebel and ran over and rushed in when the box met the bottom, "I'm lost" he sniffled after hugging Rebel, "me to" admitted Rebel, Echo watched as the ride moved upwards he looked at the surroundings nervously.

From the height he saw a familiar head of blonde hair, it was Goldy she was rushing somewhere, Rebel stood up and stood at the door waiting for it to reach the bottom, they floored it, chasing the young girl, they followed her through the crowds and headed towards some bushes, she hid away, the two uncovered her, she hugged them tightly, Echo decided to make her feel better by finding the ride with the music and puppets, they headed around and Echo managed to locate it, the person minding the ride smiled at them, he helped them all onto the ride and Echo was overjoyed to see his sister start to smile in wonder, even Rebel seemed to enjoy it.

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