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After exploring the nearby stores the small group headed back towards the hotel, and there stood their guide, the shiny alien smiled at the approaching group, "welcome back! I am happy to inform you I have set up some amazing activities, although it seems the one I have filed in for this afternoon and night is strictly no pets" explained the guide, Tax and Quix glanced at each other, it seemed they did basically everything with their humans, "what is it we're doing?" Asked Quix, "we're visiting the moon, its no pets because it might cause undue stress" explained their guide, "the moon! Oh Tax we can't say no!" Exclaimed Quix, Tax was wise eyed, "who said I was going to say no?" Asked Tax, "oh wonderful, we will need to prepare you for the flight there, which means we need you at the allocated building, I believe you would wish to place them in a pet care area?" Commented the alien, Tax nodded, Quix looked about confused.

They examined the building map, and there was a pet care area at the back of the building, "this place really takes care of everything" muttered Quix, "well it is here for fortama goers" pointed out Tax, Quix looked at Rebel who stuck to his side, he had been so proud of him for not misbehaving during the walk, but that wasn't a pointer to Rebels improved behaviour, as all places around this building targeted fortama goers, so there really was barely anyone else around.

They made their way to the pet care area, a green kangaroo looking alien stood at the entrance, it greeted them through a translator, it happily accepted the humans, and asked about any needs and requirements, "you say the oldest black haired one is a rescue? Any required equipment?" Enquired the alien, Quix glanced away, "he has a muzzle as he has been known to bite, arm confines to prevent any escape attempts, as well as hobbles" stated Tax ignoring Quix's slight glare, "alright, would you like to use your own or the ones we supply?" It asked, "your supply" muttered Quix, the alien looked at him and made a chittering noise, the translator didn't translate it so it was just a noise like a laugh or something, "I will do my best to ensure their cared for correctly, and we'll do their first check up today here" explained the alien, Quix and Tax nodded, they then proceeded to follow the alien into the main area, it was a round room with a large patch of grass in the middle leaving a narrow path that circles around the grass and led to various rooms, they entered one with a human symbol on it, in there was a little lounge room, with some human sized couches and bean bags with various children, Teen and adult toys and puzzles, the adult toys were unusual looking tracks, these were for adult humans to design a track to send a small toy vehicle along, and then there was the toilet room, and the cages, with small beds and personal toilets, they were obviously for dangerous and naughty humans.

"This will be were they stay, if the black haired one shows signs of aggression we'll be sure to respond appropriately" explained the alien, then it led them out, "but today they can stay in the outside playpen before it gets to cold" it explained as it led them out of the human room and through the circular grass room and through another door, this led outside, a decent sized area was there, some other animals were already playing, a large pony sized, six legged dog like creature sat guard in the middle, it made a noise and the kangaroo like aliens nose twitched happily, the humans were released into the outside area, Rebel tried to approach Quix but a barrier stopped him, "thank you very much!" Said Tax and Quix in unison, "we'll be back buds!" Promised Tax, and they left, trying not to feel guilty.

They entered a large building, it had multiple rooms and had a massive area at the back of it for the space crafts. Tax and Quix spent their time watching a presentation on proper craft etiquette, and then it told them about the moon, they entered a room that they had to sign papers, and even got the choice to have pictures taken of them, they then went through physical exams and a small test to show them what they would experience, it was a very interesting time.

Finally the time came, they stepped aboard the space craft that was the size of a jet, they wore special space suits and the craft took off, it was amazing, the speed, the gravity change, the popping ears, it was also heart stoppingly terrifying, it shook and raised the temperature as they exited the atmosphere, the window showed earth growing smaller, it was a quick trip to the moon, at least an hour, they landed before a well grounded building, a tube connected to the space craft and they entered the moon station, they watched earth in all its glory, "amazing" mumbled Quix, Tax could merely nod his agreement, the guide led them towards the centre room, it was octogonal in shape and held a table in the centre, the roof was reinforced glass like material, the alien showed them that by sliding your fingers along the table had the roof shifting, he dragged to fingers in the opposite direction and the roof zoomed in, and all of a sudden Saturn came into view like it was right in front of them, "wow" gasped the two, the alien gave them a smile and they had the time of their lives playing with the weird table, the examined various planets and distant galaxies.

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