Rebel against yourself

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Now that the last few days were here, Quix was feeling sad about leaving, the teenager had spent the night chained firmly to the carriage, his arms confined, this left him angry and defiant, but also tired, Echo slept beside Quix who barely slept and of course Tax and Goldy slept like rocks.

Quix spent the morning trying to convince his fostered pet to eat, he held a spoonful of cereal, the teenager merely ignored him, Echo sat and watched, he didn't understand why the teen didn't just eat, "think I have a name for him" chuckled Tax, Quix watched his friend curiously, "do you?" He asked in surprise, Tax nodded eagerly "yep, how about Rebel" laughed Tax, he knew Quix was tired and desperate, this was his way of lightening the mood, Quix stared at the defiant teenager, "sure" he merely said, Tax frowned, "it suits him" added Quix, he placed the spoon in the boys mouth, Rebel swished his head trying to get rid of it, but he gave in and started eating, Rebel wasn't a bad guy, he was afraid, afraid of being abandoned and hurt.

Goldy convinced Quix to take her for a walk, she had grabbed her leash and started tugging on Quix's clothes, he played with her hair before taking her away, Tax eyed Rebel with suspicion, he didn't trust such a dangerous human around them, he didn't want to tell Quix that though, Echo walked over to Rebel, "why are you doing that?" Asked Echo, Rebel looked at him, "you wouldn't understand, the fear... Its hard to control yourself sometimes" Rebel replied, Echo sighed and sat beside him, Tax watched warily, he didn't want Echo to be influenced by Rebel, "here" offered Echo as he handed Rebel a apple, the teen laughed, "with what arms am I to eat?" Questioned Rebel darkly, Echo merely held it up to the boys mouth, Rebel gave into Echo's eyes and took a bite, and somehow he managed to finish it without much trouble.

The day was slow, with Quix taking Goldy to a small park built for vampires and werewolves, but he helped Goldy on all of the play equipment, before taking the happy and tired Goldy back to the carriage, Tax was busy at the human wash bathing Echo, Quix arrived at the carriage to see the green, snow flecked paddock, the clean carriage sat with Rebel grumpily sitting beside it, his chain slightly tensed and the confining arm apparatus was holding strong, with a sigh Quix walked towards Rebel, he grabbed the chain and tugged Rebel closer to the carriage, he let himself be dragged, because he didn't want to get up and walk.

The next day was the same, Rebel ate his breakfast, that was because he wanted an apple, and happily Echo gave Rebel his apple, Tax was annoyed that Echo was giving his fruit to Rebel again, Quix was pleased by the interaction, Goldy wanted to show Tax the park and Tax went with her. Julius watched from the paddock as he groomed one of his horses, "you sure you'll be able to do it?" Asked Julius with a raised voice, Quix waved and smiled, "of course!" He replied determinedly, Julius chuckled and resumed his great care of the gentle giant, Quix put on the leg shackles which were called hobbles and removed the arm confines, he muzzled Rebel with a flat caged leather thing, where it had a curve that goes over the nose, and Quix walked Rebel to watch Goldy at the park, obediently Echo followed along, Quix forgot his leash anyway.

Echo seeing Goldy playing with Tax on the playground decided to run over and join the fun, Rebel merely stood watching them, he felt bad for them, believing they would be treated the same as he was once he reached the age he was abandoned. Quix tied Rebel to a pole and joined them, Rebel watched occasionally half heartedly tugging on the leash, Echo went down the slide, Goldy was pushed on the baby swing so she could be carefully locked in it to prevent her from falling off, Tax happily pushed her, until she had enough momentum than Tax quickly hopped on the other one, so they could swing together.

After a few hours had passed they had to leave, the people who lived here seemed to be bringing their kids and didn't want Rebel around them, so they left, Quix pulled Rebel along, Tax held Goldy close, Echo followed behind his legs were not used to climbing and running around to that degree, so he was exhausted.

The day after was also very similar, Tax was still annoyed that Echo was giving up his fruit and Quix was still very happy with them, Goldy was again eager to go to the park, and Echo wanted to stay.

Finally the day came to leave, Jam appeared from nowhere to say goodbye, even dabbing at his eyes fakely, Quix frowned, he hadn't seen Jam ever since they did the working trial days, of course Jam didn't seem concerned about that, he gave Quix a soft looking whip, stating that, "this is for you're little feral there, you would firmly use it on a cheeky horse, so you can use it on the sneaky little hands humans can have" explained Jam, Quix didn't like the thought of doing that to Rebel but he politely took it, he was glad when they left, the back end/curtain fabric was rolled up and all the humans were firmly tied up so they can look out the back end, Rebel watched the area fade, he noticed the whip but chose to ignore it, Tax frowned at Quix who tossed the whip into the front corner of the carriage, were it sat.

Echo ate a chocolate happily, Goldy also did, Quix fed Rebels one to Rebel, who ate it, Quix felt so accomplished, that he hugged the struggling human, who whined and slowly slumped as he gave up, Julius could be heard laughing to himself and Echo waved, to the whole town, and the humans inside it.

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