Chapter Twenty-eight: To Be Loved

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The doll sat on Madison's lap like a tiny princess surveying her new domain. Her pink gown had tiny bunches of red roses, strings of fine white pearls, and had delicate lace in so much abundance it gave her a very soft feel. And when you lifted her petticoats, Madison found real leather shoes.

Everyone in the living room noticed Madison's doll, even Dick, who exchanged glances with John.

"What are you going to name her?" Izzy asked.

Madison looked up in time to see Terry come into the room, and she sent him a smile. "I'm going to name her Terry."

"Girls spell Terri with an I, you know."

"Come on, Mom," Abby came to the couch with a laugh, "what difference does it make to the doll? The fact Madison is naming it after Uncle Terry, is compliment enough."

"Isn't she nice, Abby?" Madison held out the doll, and Abby nodded and smiled.

"That's a lot of lace."

Izzy rolled her eyes, Madison giggled and Abby laughed at her own remark.

She was so lovely, Madison ran her hand over the gown and played with the large frilly hat perched on Terri's blonde curls. John and Dick exchanged another look, but they said nothing and Terry seemed relieved when John changed the subject.

"I tell you, everyone's going to show up in our living room, if Izumi keeps calling people."

"I only called Agatha." Izzy stopped and made a face as Agatha laughed. "And Emily."

"And the Doyles," John nodded to Dick and Sara.

"Actually, Jake was the one who called us."

"And I might have called our pastor," Izzy added with a sheepish smile. "Well, it isn't everyday Terry get's married."

"He's not getting married today, Izumi."

"I know, but I couldn't help it."

"Oh!" Ruthie came from across the room, climbed onto the couch, squeezed between her mom and Madison and got as close as she could to the Terri doll. "Where'd you find her?"

"Terry gave her to me. Isn't she wonderful? Look--" Madison laid the doll on her back-- "her eyes close."

"Can I hold her?"

"I-- I guess so." Madison lifted her precious Terri, but Izzy shook her head.

"She's made of porcelain. You could break her too easily."

"But I'll be careful."

"It's okay, Izzy. She can hold her." Madison waited for Izzy's nod, then laid the doll in Ruthie's lap. "Please hold her gentle so she won't break."

"I'll be gentle." Ruthie stroked the lacy gown, lifted the shawl on the back of Terri's dress, and started to play with something.

Madison began to grow uneasy. The other two girls came to the couch and leaned in to get a closer look at the new doll.

Everyone in the room seemed to watch them, but Madison sensed they were watching her, more than the girls. She wondered what they were thinking, seeing her with the doll, the roses, the triplets cooing over the doll and Terry standing over them with that smile that said so much.

Giving Terry a shoulder bump, Dick joked in a light whisper. "You're going to spoil her-- but then, every woman needs a little extra attention now and again."

Out of the corner of her eye, Madison saw Terry shake his head. "It's hard to spoil Maddie. She has so little to begin with, and still needs so much, it's hard to overdo anything. Especially, love."

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