Chapter Fifteen: Chasing After Normal

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Hollywood knew how to do happily ever after. Get the man and woman to the point of admitting love, then end the movie; get the man to propose marriage, then end the movie; get them happy, then end the movie before it fell apart and the woman realized what a mistake she'd just made. Hollywood, it seemed, understood that, for why else would they end it when they did?

With this firm conviction, Madison enjoyed herself as Mr. Darcy and Lizzy exchanged tender glances while the minister pronounced them man and wife. The credits would come any second, so it was safe to enjoy the moment. She could pretend all sorts of things to stop the bad from happening to Lizzy after the marriage, up to, and including, a startling revelation of some terrible illness that prevented Mr. Darcy from ever touching Lizzy. Or maybe Lizzy died of some terrible illness soon after the wedding-- or better yet, they died together before their wedding night in a tragic carriage accident.

They died happily ever after.

It was as much as her imagination could bear, the only thing that kept her from turning away from the very movie she so desperately wanted to see. She wanted to see Lizzy happy, and she needed it to be that way forever.

The front door opened as the miniseries came to an end, and Izzy clicked off the TV.

"Little Dove, you're missing out on a good time," John said, coming in with tall rubber boots up to his knees. "The fish are really biting today. If things go well, we might have a cookout for dinner, instead of messing up your kitchen."

"A cookout?" Izzy set down the remote while Ruthie and Lizzie climbed off the couch to look out the open door behind their father. "It's not too windy for the firepit?"

"Nah," John smiled, "not enough to stop us from getting in another cookout before winter hits."

"I don't know that it'll save the kitchen from getting messy, but I suppose I'm up for it, if you are." Izzy motioned for the girls to close the door. "How's Terry doing?"

A big grin stretched across John's mouth. "You should see him--casting those loops, just like the old days. I gotta get back to the guys."

Izzy nodded. "Have fun."

Another grin, and John disappeared outside.

Lizzie ran down the hall to her room. "Mommy, can I go watch?"

"Yes, but put on a coat," Izzy called after her.

"I will!"

Instead of rushing after her sister, Ruthie returned to the couch with the women.

A moment later, Lizzie dashed out the door shouting her goodbye.

The mother shook her head. "That, coming from a girl who only a few hours ago, complained she didn't want to go fishing."

Ruthie giggled.

"Well, I have to start getting things ready for dinner." Moving to her feet, Izzy took the now empty orange juice glass and plate from Madison, then headed into the kitchen.

Ruthie looked at Madison. "Want to watch them fish?"

"No thanks."

"Then how about more TV?"

"Thanks, but I think I'm done."

Ruthie sighed. "Then how about stickers?"

Madison shook her head. "I have enough."

"But we have to do something." Ruthie slid off the couch. "You want to play Hoppin' Froggies? I can show you how."

The game was in the girls' bedroom, so even though Madison wanted to say "yes," she was forced to say "no."

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