33~ Drawing

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"Do you feel like this accident with your boyfriend is your fault?" My friends think that so I don't wind up in the wacky house, I should vidit a shrink. I felt like a crazy person being sent here, I mean, Ms. Pilsbury is a pretty good shrink. Isn't she? My friends don't think so. Kurt said, and I quote 'You need some professional help, not a school counsellor'. I thought it was stupid, at least Dr. Jeneine was sweet to me.

"I don't know. I mean, I tried to do everything right. I was honest with my friends yet...everything just got out of control. I started going crazy, and then scared. I haven't felt this way for nearly a decade." I replied.

"Ever since you were pulled into the foster system, that's correct?" she asked. I nodded.


"Reese, what you're feeling isn't unusual. As being an abuse victim along with a foster child, people like you form bonds, not just with your foster parents, or your friends. This boy, Sebastian, he's touched you in a way that no one else can, and you feel responsible for his accident because you pulled him into this so called mess that you call your life." she said. That is a very likely scenario.

"So, what should I do?" I asked.

"I want you to close your eyes, and go back to a time where you and Sebastian were together, and happy. If you are really in love with this man, than you know that he is going to fight like hell to come back to you. You just need to concentrate." she replied.

"Sit and relax?"

"Just sit and relax. Take as much time as you need." she said. Well, it's worth a shot. I laid back in my chair and closed my eyes...


March 6th, 2013

Rachel's POV

"So where's he taking you?" I asked Reese. We were in my dads' house, and she was in the bathroom and getting ready for another secret date with her secret boyfriend. If I was going to be a writer, I would totally make a romance novel out of this.

"Um, some fancy italian restaurant in Westerville. It's really classy over there, I love it. It's like the toned down version of New York." she replied.

"Mmm, so what the hell did you move to New York for if you got a little one right here?" I asked her.

"Well, I always did want to see the Statue of Liberty when I go to sleep at night." she replied.

"Aw, young love." I sang as I went through our clothes. I mean 'our' as in these are the clothes we share.

"Psst. Rachel." a familiar whisper came from the door. Sebastian waved to me, then passed by me towards the bathroom, putting a finger to his lips. Oh, I get it, he was going to surprise Reese. Cute. He hid behind the door frame, then one...two...three...


Reese's POV

One minute, I'm sitting on the bathtub, doing my make up for my date...then the next minute, Sebastian jumps out at me like so:

"BOO!" was he trying to scare me?

"How ya doin?" I asked him. Sebastian's excited face morphed into a frown as I started laughing.

"Nothing? Really?" he asked.

"Aw! That was so cute!" Rachel squealed. I gave her a look to try and get her to leave the room. She nodded and gave me a wink, then left the bedroom. 

"Well that was no fun!" Sebastian said as he sat on the toilet...with the seat top closed of course.

"When I was six I was with my cousin, he hid behind the couch and when I came into the room I had my Barbie doll with me; he jumped out and tried to scare me. I knocked out his tooth with the doll." I beamed.

"You, were a very dangerous child way back when." he said.

"Okay, tell you what: next time you decide to scare me, I'll jump." I replied.

"No come on, you have to make some kind of noise if I scare you." he said.

"What, like a scream?" I asked.

"No, no not like a dramatic horror movie scream, how 'bout a yelp? A sudden out-cry of surprise?" he suggested. I could only giggle.

"We'll see. Kay but you have to get out so I can get dressed." I said as I stood up.

"I've seen it all before." he said.

"Yeah well, don't be bragging about it." I replied.

"Don't worry, I am the beholder of every detail about you." he said as he stood up.

"So far." I said.

"Sure, sure. I love you, you know that right?" he asked me.

"I know, you tell me every chance you get." I said.

"Because unfortunately, all good things come to an end. So I want to tell you I love you as much as I can." he replied.

"While you still can, right?" I asked.

"That's right. You learn fast." he then leaned in to kiss me. I responded in the best way I knew.


That was cute, that was a memory I had; knowing I was in love. Sebastian is fun, and cute, and very silly, and he loves me. Not loved.

"You ready?" Dr. Jenine asked.

"Yeah, that helped. Thank you." I replied.

"How did that make you feel? What does Sebastian mean to you?" she asked. I huffed, deep in thought.

"It's kind of funny because...when I met him, I knew he'd be the closest I'd get to being...close. And sometimes I don't know what to do with that feeling: happiness. But then I see him, and I remember why my heart beats at all. He's as perfect as I am, which I'm not, and...it makes me feel better about myself." I replied. Dr. Jenine smiled proudly.

"Okay, well as your shrink. I prescribe you to go to that hospital and sit with Sebastian. I want you to go, maybe read to him or-or sing. He's in there, you just need to give him a little push." she said.

"You sure?"

"I'm a psycologist with three doctrites and six diplomas, I'm pretty sure honey..."


I sat in that hard chair with the uneven leg, with my drawing pad in my lap and my pencil doodling on the page. Sebastian was still on his bed, hooked up to machines with the heart monitor recording each beat of his heart. Believe it or not, it was actually soothing. I knew that his heart was still beating.

I was singing softly, Mindy Gledhill's Anchor, while I was drawing. I wasn't sketching any clothing article like usual. This was a new addition to my mini art gallery.

I was drawing Sebastian.

Cheesy, I know, but it made me feel connected. Plus, I missed looking into his eyes. Why didn't I draw this earlier?

"How's it going Betsey Johnson?" no one was else was in the room with me, and no one called me Betsey Johnson besides one person.

My head shot up, looking at one thing I had been waiting for since I finished that book Sue gave me.

Sebastian was awake.

"Oh my god. Hi. How do you feel?" I asked him.

"Like I was clipped by a bus. What happened?" 

"It's a um...it's a long story."

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