32~ You're Not Sorry

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Later that day, I was helping my parents with the dinner rush, just to take my mind off things, when Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt came in.

"Hey, how's it going?" Rachel asked me.

"I'm okay, I got at least a hundred condolance cards today from relatives I haven't seen in years. Believe it or not, I actually got a note from my mom." I replied.

"Charlotte?" Blaine asked.

"No! She means her birth mother, the alcoholic nut. No offence." Kurt said to me.

"None taken, really." I replied.

"How did she know about Sebastian?" Rachel asked.

"My psychic foster child third eye is telling me that she and Charlotte had been in touch." I replied.

"What did she say?" Kurt asked.

"She said that she hopes for the best outcome for him, and she wants me to stay my strong and amazing self. She also said how she was sorry for not protecting me when I was little. Blah, blah, blah." I replied.

"Maybe you should write her back?" Blaine suggested.

"Right, that'll be the day I'll kiss Dave Karofsky...on the lips...and enjoy it." I said as I started collecting plates from tables.

"Let me tell you this, and form personal experience, but he is a not a good kisser." Kurt said. 

"Thanks for the advice. Not that I was planning to do so but thank you anyway." I replied.

"You're welcome Reesie."

"Oh my God, look who just walked in." Blaine said as he looked passed me. We all turned around and saw the one person I wasn't ready to look at just yet.

Hunter Clarington.

"What is that scum bag doing here?" Rachel asked.

"Well, the beer we serve is pretty good." I said.


"I did tell him to stay the hell away from me, my house, my restuarant, anything connected to me. I didn't want to see him." I said.

"Than, why is he here?" Kurt asked. Hunter sat down as a table, with a girl. She was a pretty brunette, but I had a hint that she didn't know what she was getting into. It made my blood boil to look at Hunter, with this girl, smiling, while this boy who was supposedly his 'best friend' is stuck in a coma.

He then turned to me, and waved me over. Was he asking me to wait on him? He was acknowledging me like he didn't even know who I was, how could he!?

"Excuse me my friends, I have to go wait on a table, and probably break an arm in the process." I said as I grabbed my pen and notepad. 

Rachel's POV

"Why do I have a feeling that she's going to end up in jail one day?" I asked the boys.

"She won't, she has loop holes and tricks to get herself out of it." Kurt replied.

Reese's POV

I walked over to the table, put a fake smile on my face, just trying to be civil.

"Hello there, welcome to Lavek's Grill and Pub. My name is Reese and I'll be your server today?" I said.

"Hi, can we get two pepsis please?" the brunette asked. 

"And start with a plate of zucchini sticks? We'll order our main after." Hunter said, shooting me a smile. I wanted so bad to stab my pen through his eye, why is being civil so hard around people like him?

"Sounds, great, I'll be right back." I said, turning away before my head exploded.

"Well, that was professional." Blaine said.

"He was talking to me like I was a robot. Like I didn't have a brain. He treated me like I was nobody to him. That seriously irks me." I replied.

"I'm sorry Reese. I know you have a feeling that everyone can be redeemed but-"

"No, I get it. He is ten times worse than Sebastian ever was." I cut Rachel off before she could finish.

"This is awful, I don't like him ordering you around like this." Kurt said.

"We can take care of him you know." Blaine said.

"You do that, you're admissions to NYADA are revoked," I said to him, "and your squeaky clean anti-violence reputation is ruined." I directed that to Kurt.

"Right, sorry." he said.

"Whatever, please excuse me while I get two pepsis for the phloozy and phony." I replied and went into the fridge. When I came back out, I noticed the dummy with his date, laughing with her. It made me angry, so angry that I dropped the pepsi cans, grabbed a pitcher of beer and strutted over.

I poured the picture over Hunter's head.

"AWH!" he shot up out of his seat, his head completely soaked in beer now. "What the hell was that for!?" he shouted at me.

"How dare you! How dare you sit here with some girl, while Sebastian is left in the friggin' hospital and he may not wake up! How can you just sit and not give a damn about him!?" I shouted at him.

"I don't see how this relates to me in any manor! You're paying for the dry cleaning!" he said as he pointed to his shirt.

"I ain't paying for jack! You are an inconsiderate, lying, cheating little bitchlet, who takes any happiness that his friends get and wants to tear out! You have this constant hatred for everybody around you! And when they're happy, it makes you angry! Angry to see Sebastian, someone who is supposed to be as miserable as you in this lifetime, completely happy with someone like me. And what am I to you? Oh that's right. I'm a no-class, money scrubbing, knuckle scraping working woman in the twenty first century! And it makes you angry that someone like Sebastian could ever fall in love with me! Why? Why does that make you so angry!?" 

Rachel's POV

"Oh, she is so getting arrested tonight."

Reese's POV

"Um, I'm sorry." the brunette stood up between us. "Is there something going on between you two?" she asked us.

"It's nothing, Brooke, just sit down, while I go to the bathroom." he replied.

"No, no you're gonna listen to me! I have had it, up to here I've had it! And you can parade around, thinking you're all that with your military school status and your plastic looking features, but you my friend are at the bottom of the social pyramid when you think of all the crap that you think you got away with! I hate you, with a passion, let's just say it didn't have to be this way. But remember this: it's you're fault that Sebastian could die!" I shouted at him, tears streaming down my face. 

Everybody stopped and stared at us, waiting for Hunter to react. All he did, was take Brooke's hand, lead her out of the restaurant. "Let's go."

I sighed and went into the back room, then into the mini fridge where Ryan keeps all his booze. I pulled out a small bottle of vodka and downed it in one gulp. I finally broke down sobbing, only thinking about one thing.

My boyfriend could die

My boyfriend could die

My boyfriend could die

My boyfriend could die

Rachel came in minutes later. She saw me, but didn't say a word. She only knelt down next to me and wrapped me in a hug. She held me, not saying a thing until I could calm down.

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