19~ One Sue Sylvester

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I've been in this hospital ten times in my life. The first five were because of my dad, another two were my skateboarding incidents after I was adopted. There was also when Quinn had her baby, then Kurt's dad had a heartattack. I didn't think for my tenth visit, I'd be waiting for some doctor to tell me if my boyfriend was dead or not. I hadn't felt this feeling in a long time, not for about a decade.

I was afraid.

Afraid of when that doctor would come out of the opperating room and tell me the fight was over, and if I was going to be the winner or not. I'm afraid what Sebastian's parents are going to say when they come in and see me here, Richard would most likely blame me for his son's perril. I'm afriad to go to sleep, knowing I'll be dreaming about the whole car accident again.

Then I was angry,

Angry because that car had a redlight, and he didn't stop, not even when he hit Sebastian. The police had to find the wreckless driver, so not only could he be brought to justice, so I could also wring his neck! I was going to kill that driver, and I didn't care if I was arrested for it, I was just so full of rage for what that idiot did. And if Sebastian doesn't make it, that driver can look me in the eye and explain to me why my boyfriend's no longer here with us.

"Reese, come on you can't be here right now." Quinn came into the waiting room, trying to get me freshen up.

"No, I'm fine, just leave me here." I said.

"You have cuts and bruises all over you, we are at a hospital, you should get those looked at my someone. After that, you should go home and have a shower, then get some sleep. It'll be good for you." she said.

"I can't right. I just can't knowing that...that he's in there right now and I don't know what the outcome will be." I replied.

"You're afraid, I understand. But sitting here at two in the morning isn't good for you. You need to get some rest, you've had a long day." she said. I let out a shakey breath, feeling the pain of trying to keep my sobs down my throat. Is that even good for you? I don't know.

"I know that you're trying to be a supportive friend right now, and I love that, but I can't just go home and sleep, because all that I'm going to dream about is Sebastian being hit by that car, over and over and over again." I replied.

"I understand that you're scared Reese, and I'm hoping that he's going to come out of that operating room A-Okay, but you can't keep torturing yourself like this. We all love you, and we all want what's best for you. Do you understand?" she asked. I nodded compliantly.

"Yeah, I do. Thank you." I said. Quinn wrapped me in a hug, then the rest of the glee club, along with the Warblers, filed into the waiting room, staring at me.

"Has anybody told you guys it's not polite to stare?" I joked, trying to keep my mood up. 

I wasn't fooling anybody though. They could see right through me.

"Well, if you're going to stay the night here, we should get some food to tide us over." Rachel said. The agreement came from Mike's stomach, as it made a very unattractive noise.



Six hours later, I was back in McKinley in the auditorium, as I was 'chosen' (by chosen I mean forced) to take out all the stage props from our previous shows, like Westside Story, or Grease, or even when we held our Show Choir competitions. I was all by myself in this huge room. At least I had something to do though.

"Looks like you're doing a pretty good job Audrina Patridge. When you're done cleaning up all this junk you can wheel it outside to the alley. I ordered a garbage truck to come and collect it and take it to the city dump." Sue came in, looking very chipper. I got the name Audrina Patridge from Sue because she caught me and my first hook up making out in the janitor's closet.

"You can talk all you want Sue, I'm not listening." I said, turning my back to her as I cleaned a costume rack of old clothes.

"Oh come one Brutty Fruity," that's the name I get for being a brunette. "I hear you're a big shot back in the Big Apple, why would you, of all people in this world, care about your little glee club closing down? As long as I've known you, you barely care about anything." she said. That drew a line.

"Okay, you know what?" I slammed the box I was packing up and turned to her. "I'm a foster kid Sue, with your life you should know how that feels, to have nobody there for you. Glee club gave me people who looked out for me. And when I get attached to something, I get attached. But then people like you just decide to waltz in and rip it out of my life. But, of course that's okay because, Sue Sylvester only gives a damn about herself and no one else but herself. I got to say, I give that baby of yours a lotta sympathy." I said.

"Look Reese, I get that you've had a hard couple days, but don't take it out on me, or little Robin. Come on, stop stacking boxes and take a seat with Auntie Sue." she said, sitting down on a packing box. I gave her a flat look, like I thought she was joking or something.

"Come on, I'm not growing any younger." she said. I huffed and sat down on a box as well.

"Now I know that ever since we've known each other, I haven't exactly been a motherly Angie Jolie to you. But I always liked to think of you as kinder, sweeter, simplier...darker haired version of one Sue Sylvester. Sue Q had the looks and the attitude, but you have something that she and I never did have: you believe that people can change. And let me tell you, I have almost cracked because of you...I said almost. But you know, I heard about what that rotten Warbler kid became when he was with you, and it took an outlet on my life on how extraordinary you actually are. Reese, you spent the first nine years of your life with two people who frankly didn't deserve to be parents,"

"That's one thing we can agree on." I said.

"Right, but, after all you accomplished in your life, and what else you're going to accomplish in your future, this is honestly like a little blip. The doctor did say he had no brain damage o internal injuries. If you ask me, the kid just likes to sleep." she said.

"I do always wake up before him." I muttered.

"Twinkle-Toes Warbler is going to be fine. So he's in a coma, Porcelin's dad had a coma, and he's right as rain now. You'll see, you just gotta have faith." she said. I sniffled and dried whatever tears were threatening to pour out.

"Thanks Sue." I said.

"Hey, I'm not gonna lie, you can be an annoying kid," I gave her an irritated look mid-sentence. I thought we were having a moment here? "But throughout your highschool career, I watched that glee club transform you into this incredibly powerful woman, and whether the outcome of this tradgedy is good or bad, you will overcome." did she actually like what glee club was doing? Maybe I can use this?

"So, because of how extraordinary all of us misfits and losers became, you're not shutting down glee club right?" I asked with a little hope.

"Nope, glee club's gotta go. Nice try though." she replied.

"Eh, it's was worth a shot." I said. Sue hesitantly patted my back.

"You're going to be okay Lavek, just have little patience. Than after the kid recovers, you guys can ride off into Big Apple Sunset. But until that happens, I want to give you something to read while your boyfriend is...let's say...floating." Sue reached into the pocket of her track jacket and pulled out a book. The title read: Desires are Our Worst Enemy.

"This is a favorite reading interest of mine, kept me occupied while I was in labour with my little girl." she said.

"Okay, thanks?" I said.

"Anytime Audrina, now get back to work. These boxes aren't going to move themselves." when you think you got a sweet, sensitive side to Sue, she turns around and becomes the cold-hearted bitch she likes to be.

Mistakes We Made (Glee FF/Sebastian Smythe) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now