10~ Dalton's Grad Dance

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I sat outside on the porch of my house, wrapped in my coat, before Sebastian pulled up in his little grey car. He honked twice and got out, surprisingly with Lenore following.

"Hey, you doing okay?" he asked. I nodded and stood up. 

"I'm ready." I said.

"Can I see?" he asked, pointing to my coat. I pulled off my coat to reveal my dress. Sebastian's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god, you look like an angel, even prettier than an angel. You just look...wow." he said. I felt myself blushing.

"Thank you Sebastian," Lenore came up and covered her mouth.

"Oh sweetie, you look incredible." she said as she gave me a hug.

"Thank you Lenore." Charlotte poked her head out and grinned.

"Hello handsome and hello gorgeous. Hi Lenore. Come on in." she said.

"I got to say Charlotte it was so kind of you to invite me over for coffee. I'm sorry Richard didn't come, he said he had some important legal stuff to take care of for a client.

"When you mean 'legal stuff', you mean he's slobbed in his recliner and downing a bottle of wine while watching a James Bond marathon?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, he even told me and I quote 'There are more important issues in life than picking out a corsage for a girl." Lenore replied.

"That's sounds like my dad. Let's go inside." he said. Inside, Ryan was setting up the kitchen table with snacks and treats from the restaurant and a fresh pot of coffee.

"Ryan! Come on, we're taking pictures of the kids!" Charlotte called. Lenore pulled out her fancy camera, I think it was a polaroid?

"Kids go, stand by the staircase."

I don't know how many pictures they took, maybe fifty? I was glad when it was over though, I think the flash from Lenore's camera was making me blind. But after we said our goodbyes to our parents, we headed to Dalton for the prom dance.


The gym of Dalton was decorated with beautiful blue lights, tables were set up around the room, and kids (boys & girls) were dancing in the middle of the floor.

"What do you think?" Sebastian asked me.

"It's...wow. This is fancier than my prom. That's for sure." I replied.

"Well come on, I'll introduce you." he said as he took my hand. My heart was beating into overdrive as I passed through all the familiar faces. I recognized some of the boys from my last few visits, some even recognized me, and they were shocked to see me...with Sebastian! I would've been shocked too if I were them. It made me think how shocked and angry I was to see Rachel at Prom with Jesse St. Jackass. 

Some of the Warblers were sitting at a table, with three other girls. A red head, an oriental girl, and a blonde.

"Hey Sebastian, whose the pretty girl?" one of them asked, Nick. I distincitively remember him because he asked me out once, and yet he doesn't even remember my name. I made the correct choice as you can see.

Nevermind, moment of truth. Don't make a fool out of yourself Reese.

"Guys, this is Reese. Maybe you remember her from McKinley?" Sebastian drawled out the next bit.

"Oh my god, Reese. I hardly recognized you...in a dress...and makeup...wow you look hot." another one said, I think it was Andrew. The red head whapped the back of his head.

"Uh, thanks." I muttered shyly. 

"Well don't just stand there and wear out your feet, sit down, sit down." that was Trent, who I was happy to see sitting with us. I like him. Sebastian pulled out my chair for me, surprisingly, then took the seat next to me.

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