16~ Meet My Boyfriend

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It started out as a normal night at the Spotlight Diner, I was counting my tips, Rachel was scribbling her goals for Fanny Brice on a note pad, and Santana was playing with one of the sugar bottles. Everything seemed perfectly normal, until Kurt came rushing in, totally out of breath.

"Oh my god."

"Now what? Your band booked a huge gig playing at Grand Highview station?" Santana asked in an uninterested tone.

"Why do you want to know? So you can steal his dream too?" Rachel asked.

"Exactly." she hissed sarcastically. There's been a little spat going on between the two of them, I thought it was pretty pitiful how chilidish they were being.

"What's the problemo?" I asked.

"It's the glee club. They've been disbanded. They didn't Nationals, and they're turning the choir room into a computer lab or something. And Sue isn't backing down this time." well, ain't that a kick in the groin.

"That is a huge problemo."


We had returned to Ohio, in the final goodbye to Glee Club, there was something really depressing about  being back here. Maybe it was the fact that Finn's dead, maybe it's the fact that Glee Club is coming to a permanent close? I don't know how to come up with a positive for all this.

It was around seven at night, and us the Glee kids were cleaning out the choir room of all our trophies from past winnings, along with old pictures on the walls and stacking chairs. Two moving guys were going to come in and collect all of our instruments soon. All the books were taken down from the shelves, whiteboards ripped off the walls, the entire room looked like it was abandoned. 

"I don't know what's more depressing, never ever going to see this club again, or taking down all the memorabilia from this club." Tina said as she stared at a photo from our first Regionals competitions. You know, when Quinn had a belly full?

"I just can't believe it's over, it seems like just yesterday Kurt, Artie, Mercedes, Tina and I were singing that awful Rocking The Boat song." Rachel added.

"Yeah, or when that awful choreographer from Vocal Adrenaline came in and insulted us, except for the oh-so-precious-cheerleaders." I said, looking at Quinn, Santana and Brittany.

"Don't complain Lavek, after Regionals, you had three of the sport team captains after your heart. One of them even took you to prom." Quinn said.

"Yeah, Pete Lincoln, he smelt like flowers and pepper. And that weirdo, Brett Pendergas, he always called me by the wrong name. Creeps all of 'em." I said, thinking back to junior and senior year.

"What about Blake Lowards? He was a good catch wasn't he?" Mercedes asked.

"Yeah...and he spat everytime he talked. You wanna know where he's from? Pittsburgh. His favorite food? Pizza. Favorite movie? The Purge." every P that I replied with, I spat saliva just like Blake Lowards did. And who was the unlucky recipicant? Kurt.

"Did you have to spit on me?" he asked, wiping my spit from his face.


Just as Sam and Mike finished stacking all the chairs, a knock came from the door.

"What're you guys doing here?" Blaine asked. The rest of us looked up, and lo and behold, The Warblers stood there, and believe or not, in people clothes! No robot suits! Didn't think I'd ever see that after Sebastian's grad dance ever again.

"We um...we heard about your glee club shutting down." Sebastian said.

"And what? You've come to gloat? We already get enough of that from the jocks." Kurt said.

Mistakes We Made (Glee FF/Sebastian Smythe) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now