15~ Pizza Crust

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Are you kidding me? I get mugged here, I want to sleep off my headache, I can't do that if I got somebody unlocking my door-wait. What if it's the mugger? What if he followed me from the deli, and now he's back for more? Nu uh, he's not making a chicken out of Reese Lavek twice.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my bat, slowly making my way into the living room. I heard the door unlock, slide, and then shut. When I heard him coming around the corner, I lifted up the bat and swung, missing whom I presumed to be a mugger.

"Whoa!" it was Sebastian, he thankfully ducked my wicked blow to the head just in time, and nearly giving me a heart attack.

"Oh my god! I am so, so sorry!" I told him.

"It's okay," he looked at the bat, then back at me, a bit terrified at the least. "It's okay." his voice was shakey, knowing I could've taken his head off.

"I thought you were a mugger. Wait-what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Westerville?" I asked.

"I think the real question is why do you have a bat?" he replied, "You don't even play baseball!"

I threw the bat down down with a huff, "I don't like guns, but my only home security is a front doorman with a cocaine problem. A bat's the next best thing," I replied oh-so-matter-of-factly.

Sebastian seemed to relax at that, "I came to surprise you. But it looks like I got the surprise instead." he replied.

"Is that why everybody left for the weekend? I thought they just wanted a break from me? Well come to think of it, I would be too I were them." I muttered that part to myself.

"Reese, what happened to your hand?" Sebastian took my bandaged hand for inspection.

"You know when I said I suspected you to be a mugger?" I asked him. He nodded slowly.

"That's what happened." 

"Oh...oh my god. Did he hurt you anywhere else?" he asked, eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

"No, he didn't rape me. Just a slice to the hand and with some snatched jewelry and a hundred bananas down the hole. Other than that, I'm peaches and beans." I replied.

"Did he take the necklace I got you?" he asked.

"No, would you believe I chose today to forget to wear it. And I wear that everday, trust me." I replied. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, secure like.

"You okay though? Besides the hand and all?" he asked.

"I'm fine, relax. I'm sorry I nearly hit you with the bat." I replied.

"Don't worry about it. So, your roommates really did check-out for the weekend huh?" he asked, wanting to change the subject. I'm glad for that to be honest.

"Yup, it's just you and me." I replied.

"So, what do you want to do?" he asked. All of the sudden, a low, unattractive growl erupted from my stomach.

"Well, wasn't that a pleasant noise." I said sarcastically. Sebastian snickered as we plopped onto the couch.

"How 'bout we order take out? What's the best delivery place in Bushwick?" he asked.

"Stevon's Pizzeria on Maine and 7th. It's pretty close to the Italian pizza actually." I replied.

"You've been to Italy?" he asked, amused obviously.

"No...have you Mr Paris?" I asked in a sassy tone.

"No, can't say that I have. But, when you make it big in the fashion business -- knowing you will -- we can got Milan for pizza." he replied.

"Deal, but you have to take me to Paris." I said.

"Deal." we shook on it, "now let me buy you dinner, it's the least I can do." he said.

"No, come on you're a guest here, it's not right." I said.

"Says Ms. I-Just-Got-Mugged-of-A-Hundred-Bucks. Let me be a good boyfriend." he replied. I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, I'm okay with that." I said.

"With me buying dinner or calling me your boyfriend?"



About an hour later, I threw the last pizza crust into the now empty box. We polished off the pie as soon as it arrived, and let me tell you, it was delicious.

As I leaned back into the couch, satisfied with my ceased hunger, I noticed Sebastian was staring at me, smiling. I smiled back, kind of confused.

"What? Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"Nothing." he replied, his face started tinting pink.

"No, come on," I said as I moved closer. "You can tell me."

"You're going to think it's dorky." he replied.

"I think everybody I know does something dorky, but I won't judge you. Come on, tell me." I pleaded.

"Okay, i noticed that you don't finish off your pizza crust." really? That's it?

"It's not unusual...about fifty percent of the population probably does that too." I replied.

"I know, I'm not saying it as an insult. I'm just making an observation. You know because, everybody makes you out to be this one-of-a-kind 'bitch' that was made out as an individual, like there wasn't anybody else like you. And just seeing you do something as simple as not eating pizza crust makes me realise that you're not so different from everybody else." he said. I felt that to be really deep some how.

"Oh gee, thanks." I said as if I was insulted.

"It wasn't meant to be an insult, I meant it as a good thing because people make you out to be this one disfunctional being than all the others. If I'm the only one who can see that, then I guess it's okay, because I know the real you and I'm honored to be one of the lucky ones who does." he replied apologetically. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You really don't think before you speak, do you?" I asked.

"Is it noticeable?" he asked, which made me laugh. "I'm sorry, I guess it's just my flaw."

"We all got flaws, but you know that's the cool thing about them. They seperate us from each other and make us unique. That's why we're perfect together, because frankly we're both nutz." I joked. Sebastian smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I got a question for you." he said as we pulled away.

"What is it?" I asked.

"When do you think you're ready to tell everybody about this?" he asked, the smile disappearing into concern. I shrugged.

"I dunno, and I know the school year is coming to a close and all, I dunno. Maybe after your graduation?" I suggested.

"I know it's just, we can't keep sneaking around like this. I can't keep acting like I hate you in front of your friends. What do we do?" he asked.



"Yes! Nationals! After the glee kids get back from Nationals, I swear to god, we'll tell 'em then. And I don't care if they throw a fit or break down in tears, they can't tell me who I can and cannot date." I said proudly.

"And there won't be no pre-mortem break-up?" he asked.

"No, we'll do it together. And nothing is going to change that." I replied. Sebastian raised his hand to stroke my cheek, then leaned in and kissed me.

This what I wanted, a relationship where my boyfriend and I can be honest with each other, something perfect yet imperfect. But it was awful, because while my bestfriends were raving about their love lives, I had to say I had nobody in my life. That I despised this boy with all my heart, but in reality I was mad about him. But my biggest fear was what Kurt and Blaine would say, knowing that I had been keeping this secret for half a year now...

Mistakes We Made (Glee FF/Sebastian Smythe) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now