26~ Inside Sebastian's Coma (Pt. 6)

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Reese met Will as the Lima Bean, in a discreet and secluded corner as to not let anybody hear their conversation.

"Why didn't you show this to the police?" Will asked as he inspected the napkin Reese gave him.

"Because they'll take it without telling me if it means what I think it means." she replied.

"Well, what do you think it means?" he asked her. Reese sipped her latte and sighed.

"People know the best way to hurt him..."

"Is by hurting you." Will finished. "Listen, these people who work at Carmel are capable of sending a very bad message." he said.

"What do you mean by 'bad message'?" she asked.

"Body bending, leg breaking, smashing eggs into people's hair for humiliation. The works. It's possible they sent this guy." he replied.

"To break my legs and smash eggs into my hair?" she asked.

"And the gangbangers make him and they kill him to make a statement." he replied.

"So, Sebastian was right about the gangbangers?" Reese asked him. Will huffed, tapping his foot in thought.

"Everyone serves under someone. That's something your boyfriend refuses to accept." he replied.

"I know, he's stubborn." she said.

"He's a man of principle, and I mean that as an insult." he said. "Now, if he had just paid me off, none of this would've happened."

"Who do you work for that would scare off Carmel and the gangbangers?" she asked.

"Ask your cousin in-law about The Escort." Will replied.

"Because he's a cop?" she asked.

"Because, he and I work for the same guy." he replied. Reese became suspicious of the man in front of her. Will didn't seem very threatening, but looks can be deceiving.

She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts when her phone rang.



"The murder victim has been identified as Richard Yeates." Quinn pulled a DMV shot out of a file and placed it in front of the couple.

"He was a security consultant for a waste disposal company in Newark." Hunter added.

"A mobster named Yeates? What's the world coming to?" Ms. Pilsbury asked.

"So what was he doing at our place?" Sebastian asked.

"That's a mighty fine question." Hunter replied, staring down his cousin. Sebastian gave him a cold glare in return.

"Is there something going on here?" Quinn asked.

"Family feud, doesn't pertain to the case." Hunter replied. Reese found this as a good time to open her purse and show the law enforcers, the lawyer, and her boyfriend the napkin.

"Where did you get this?" Quinn asked as she inspected in.

"It was slipped to me annonymously by someone who drew it for Yeates last night." she replied.

"What is that?" Sebastian asked.

"Your office marked." Hunter told her.

"I can see that." she replied wittily.

"Meaning Yeates was at your club last night, yet nobody saw him. Right?" Quinn asked.

"Excuse me Quinn, but this napkin proves that Yeates was sent to hurt my girlfriend." Sebastian said.

"That's one of our theories for now." she replied.

"Could The Escort have sent Yeates?" Reese asked.

"Now, where'd you dig that up?" Hunter asked.

"Isn't he some old mobster guy? Has his fingers in every pile?" Ms. Pilsbury asked.

"There's no Escort." Hunter said simply.

"Will Shuester likes to say he works for The Escort. It makes him scary and distracts from his butt chin." Quinn said.

"Exactly, so forget about the Escort." Hunter said. The rest of the room found it odd at how discreet he was being.

"Look, our first job is to figure out who killed Yeates. Finding out who sent him is totally secondary." Quinn said.

"Right, but here in the real world, when do we get out DJ back?" Sebastian asked.

"Never." she replied. The couple was taken aback. "Your people are lying to me and until I find out why, you can't have your DJ, nor your manager, nor anybody else I can scoop up." 

"Now Detective, it's blatant police brutality to use the word 'nor' so aggressively. It sends off a bad vibe about your persona." Ms. Pilsbury said.

"Are you a lawyer or a counsellor?" Quinn asked her.


Violent death, murder, it sends out shockwaves. The closer you are to it, the greater the shock.


"Will told me that he works for The Escort." Reese told Sebastian as they were on their way back to the club. "But he told me something else."

"What was it?" he asked her.

"He said that...Hunter works for him too." she replied. Sebastian looked at her, than slammed down on the steering wheel angrily.

"Don't get so mad. Will could be lying." she pointed out.

"Look, I'm mad because it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if he was." Sebastian replied. "Alright? Did Will give you the napkin?" he asked her.

"No, Rachel did." she replied. Sebastian gawked at her, looking at the road, than back at her. "What?" she asked.

"What? What do you mean, what? Why are all our employees holding out on the cops?" he asked.

"They love us. Especially you." she replied.

"They love us, we're lovable, so what? What math lets them obstruct justice?" he asked her.

"They all know that you would kill anyone who was going to hurt me. And that man, Yeates, was going to hurt me." she replied. Sebastian started getting nervous.

"They think I'm the killer?" he asked.

"That's the math that gets them to lie to the police." she replied. Sebastian's grip on the wheel tightened as he stepped harder on the gas.

"You're angry now." Reese said.

"I'm not angry." he replied.

"You're driving angry again, I can tell." she said, looking out the window.

"I'm not angry, I'm just frustrated." he replied.


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