12~ My Tattooed Heart

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Two weeks had passed since Finn's tragic passing, I still couldn't get over the initial shock of things. We had to go back to New Yok though, life was calling back. That's what sucks about living in a different city from your loved one, you have two different lives.

"Hey, you okay?" I peeked into Rachel's room as she sat on her bed. She was staring at the wall, with a cooling cup of cocoa on her night stand and a scrap book in her hands. She looked up at me and nodded.

"Yeah, how 'bout you?" she asked. I huffed and plopped next to her on her bed.

"Crappy, I can't sleep without thinking about him...or-or just...I just can't sleep. I'm scared to close my eyes, knowing I'll see him in my dreams. He'll be alive but...but then I wake up. Sucks." I replied.

"I know what you mean, I go to sleep and I see him, and I don't want to wake up. I know how you feel." she said. We wrapped our arms around each other in a hug. "I just can't believe he's gone," she started to cry.

I held her for what felt like hours, when in reality it was only ten minutes. As Rachel's bestfriend, partner in crime, back-watching, butt-saving, kick-ass, metaphorical sister, I had no idea of how to dig our way out of this one. This was something we probably could never overcome. It was like, everything was starting out to be perfect! Rachel for the role for Fanny Brice, Santana starred in a creepy yeast commercial and got a new girlfriend, Kurt's engaged, and I'm happily in a relationship with Sebastian. 

No one pictured something like this to rain on our parade.

You know I've been hanging around Rachel too long when I start making Streisand comments.

"Man, these past couple of weeks have just been psycho." I said.

"Well, that's the price we pay when we love someone dearly." she replied.

"Do you think Finn knows now?" I asked. Rachel pulled away from me and dried her eyes.

"Know what?" she asked.

"Do you think he knows about me and Sebastian now? I had his reaction pictured in my head when I would admit it." I replied.

"Maybe he does? But I'm sure he's overlooked all the crap that he's done to us, and focused on how happy he makes you feel. And he knows that as long as you're happy, he's happy." she said.

"Man, I really hope you're right because I don't want to go to the here-after when my time is up and be met with an angry Finn Hudson." I joked, which surprisingly made her laugh. It was a nice sound, I missed it.

"Yeah, I don't think he wants to see us 'till we're old and wrinkly." she said. We laughed along with each other, until we heard a key unlocking the door and opening. 

Kurt walked in, not saying hello. I'll start here with explaining why.

He and Rachel got into a little disagreement earlier this week about a deal they made to both get tattoos. Kurt got his done, which was spelt wrong, but Rachel backed out. So Kurt went to go to fix his 'It's Get Better' tattoo...I think?

"Hey, where've you been?" I asked him. Kurt still wasn't responding.

"Look, I know that you're upset with me about the tattoo and everything, but this silent treatment is a little immature." Rachel said to him. 

"It's kind of hard to talk." he sounded like he was eating something.

"Are you eating something?" I asked.

"Did you get a pretzel from the guy down the street? Because I thought we agreed to be diet partners." Rachel said.

"Plus, they aren't very good." I said. 

"N-I pierced my tongue." he stuck out his tongue to show a little silver stud sticking out.

"Oh my good grief he pierced his tongue!" I exclaimed.

"You pierced your tongue? Oh my god that is so gross! Put that away I don't want to look at it." Rachel added, just as shocked as I was.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"It's not that bad actually. Lou did it for free when he fixed my tattoo." he replied, this time with a lisp.

"He fixed it? What did he do?" she asked.

"Well he got a little creative with the phrasing, much more poetic," Kurt undid his shirt and slid it off to reveal the tattoo on his shoulder blade. "But I really think he captued my essence considering the circumstances." he said. The tattoo, instead of 'It's Get Better', said 'It's Got Bette Midler'. That's weird.

"Oh my God, that's genius, and it makes absoutely no sense." Rachel said.

"It makes perfect sense and...I honestly kind of love it." Kurt said as he put his shirt back on.

"So, what about the tongue stud?" I asked. He's not actually going to keep that thing...is he?

"Well, I feel like I was in the same boat you two were in. Ever since Finn died, I've been going about my business, but I've also kind of been in a trance. And I guess I needed to be shocked back to life. And...there's something about having a metal stud go through your tongue that does the trick." he said.

"Hm, so you going to talk like that forever?" Rachel asked.

"No, it should go down in a couple days. You guys should get one." he said. Oh no, hell to the no.

"Oh yeah, totally-No. No way in hell." Rachel said.

"I'm with her, I'm not putting my speaking mechanism through that. I'd rather get a belly piercing." I said.

"Yeah those are cute." Rachel agreed.

"We could get matching ones."

"Yes." Kurt just chuckled at us.

"Well hey, it's probably better than that tattoo." Kurt said.

"I guess well...I don't think that there's anything that I would like, love enough to get on my body for the next 50 years and..." she trailed off.

"Well, suite yourselves. Meanwhile, I'm going to go skype with Blaine and show him my new tat and piercing. And maybe if I play a little Maroon 5, I'll get cyber lucky." He said, then winked at us and scampered to his own room. Rachel and I looked at each other, than started laughing.

"Man, I love that guy." she said.

"Me too, do you really think he's going to keep that piercing?" I asked as calmed down.

"No way, I bet ten bucks he'll ditch it by the end of the week." she replied.

"You're on." We shook on it. Rachel sighed heavily, she had something conjuring up inside her.

"I want to show you something." I said.

"What is it?" I pulled down my sweater sleeve, to show my wrist. I had tattooed a heart with an inifinity sign going through it.

"Oh my god Reese, it's adorable. What's it stand for?" she asked.

"It's for my two favorite boys. The heart represents Finn's heart, and how he left a piece of his heart in me. And the inifinity sign is for Sebastian, he showed me that I will be loved forever and always. They tattooed my heart, metaphorically, I don't think you can literally tattoo a heart." I said. Rachel giggled.

"No I don't think it's possible. I got something to show you now." she said.

"You had one done, didn't you?" I asked. She took my hand and led me to the bathroom. She lifted up her shirt, to reveal one of the sweetest things I had ever seen done.

On her ribcage, was a tattoo that spelt: Finn

Mistakes We Made (Glee FF/Sebastian Smythe) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now