25~ Inside Sebastian's Coma (Pt. 5)

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Sebastian was with his bouncer, Puck, in the back alley, discussing the events of last night.

"Last night, I go home a little before three. I check to make sure Reese is locked in safe. I wonder, did somebody tape the door after I checked it?" Puck theorized. "Cause this guy got in some how."

"You mean the dead guy or whoever killed him?" Sebastian asked. Puck knelt down and checked the lock on the door.

"There's nothing tacky on the bolt so it wasn't taped. That means either the dead guy hid in the club after closing, or Reese let him in after my sweep." he replied.

"No she didn't. Reese would never do that." Sebastian said, very assured of his wife's actions at the club.

"Whoever killed this guy either had a key or was also already in the club." Puck said.

"Reese was the only one in the club." he replied. The bouncer cocked his eyebrows at his boss. "You seem pretty sure this is the way it played out?" he said. Puck huffs and crosses his arms.

"The dead guy...chats me up last night." he admitted.

"Okay, well, why didn't you tell the police?" Sebastian asked.

"Creepy old guy, tresspassing around our club during the night -- I know what I'd do if I caught him." Puck replied. It took a couple for seconds for Sebastian's brain to register what Puck meant.

"Did you catch him?" he asked.

"Nope, did you?" he questioned back. "Cause until I get the specific answer to that question, my loyalty's with you." Sebastian nodded.

"I didn't catch him but I appreciate your loyalty."


Sam was scraping by the crowd of people with a tray of 'Tower of Wings' in his hands for a table, while Sebastian was bringing in a crate of beer to refill the bar. Though he was stopped short when he saw his girlfriend having a conversation with Jesse St. James.

"Hey Jess, how you doing?" Sebastian asked him as he set down the box. Reese and Jesse turned around, she nonchalantly leaning against the bar.

"He's making me another offer on the nightclub." she told her boyfriend.

"Really? How big of a bump do we get for murder?" he asked.

"Well, the offer is lower." she replied.

"This place is under a cloud. Things like this occur when people are not...reasonable." Jesse said.

"Implying that you're behind the murder trying to scare me to sell." Sebastian said as he cut open the box, then held up the box cutter's blade. "Ballzy move pal." 

"Behind it? No. Merely, taking advantage of it. It's good business." he replied.

"Right, well my nightclub is not for sale. But my booze is, so either boy a drink, or get the hell out." Sebastian said, unloading the beer bottles. Reese shot the real estate agent an annoyingly sweet smile, feeling very victorious with her boyfriend.

"Hey, Sebastian, Reese." Blaine came up to them, "Heard about Artie being arrested, bummer. Can my band audition?" he asked.

"No." Reese replied instantly.

"Come on, what's the harm? Be ready in one hour." Sebastian told him. Blaine thanked him and ran back to his position at the bar. 

"Why?" Reese asked him.

"I got a soft spot for the guy." he replied.

"You're made of soft spots. You're still gonna make the call right?" she asked him discreetly.

"Of course I'm gonna make the call, I'm not soft in the head." he replied.

"What is 'the call'?" Jesse asked.

"It's the reason why I own this place and you never will." Sebastian told him. "So, you gonna buy a drink? Or you gonna leave?"


Reese entered her office, with Rachel following short after. She didn't know how she didn't hear her bestfriend's pump clacking against the floors.

"Awkward, awkward, very awkward." she said as she came in.

"Well hello to you too bestie, I'm fine thanks for asking. What's awkward?" Reese asked her. Rachel slipped her hand into her pocket and pulled out a piece cocktail napkin, unfolded it to show a markings with an X.

"It's a floor plan for the nightclub. So what?" she asked.

"Yeah, I drew it. For the murder victim last night." Rachel replied. "You know how what I always really wanted to do was interior decorating right? I mean I'm very good, I sort of have a knack. And he told me that he owned a nightclub and that he'd hire me to -- and I figured he was probably hitting on me, which has been happening a lot recently ever since my boyfriend was killed in that car accident-"

"Rachel, get the point. The point, the point." Reese said.

"Right, anyway Hunter showed up and asked me out for like the billionth time and then-" 

"Rach, why are you showing this to me?" Reese asked her.

"Because if I show it to Sebastian, his head will explode. You know how much he loves you. You're a cooler customer." she replied.

"I'm not a cold fish, I'm Iceland." Reese said.

"Okay, if I had a firmer grasp of geography I might know what you mean?" Rachel replied as she sat down.

"Why would his head explode?" she asked her.

"Look at the X, at this office. X marks the spot." she Rachel replied.

"The safe? You think he wanted to rob us?" Reese asked.

"Well yeah, maybe. But, it's possible that X represents a whole other...living objective." she replied. Reese finally understood what she meant.

"Me." she admitted. Rachel put her hands to her head and made an explosion noise as she jetted them out to the side. She was right, Sebastian's head would blow up if he saw this.

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