4~ Cupcakes

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I needed something to put my mind to work, so I decided to make cupcakes for the pre-engagement celebration. And I mean lots and lots of cupcakes, about 108 cupcakes to be exact. It wasn't a big deal, I made eight batches of twelve. I once made three hundred cupcakes with whipped buttercream icing in four hours? Then again, I did have three ovens to work with.

The kitchen at Dalton was pretty big, and the lunch personell seemed thrilled to get out of here. I really don't wanna know.

"What are you doing?" I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a voice from the door frame. Sebastian stood there, trying not to laugh at me.

"Geez! Knock huh? For all I know you could've been the Jack the Raper." I said.

"Ripper you mean?"

"Same difference. What're you doing here?" I asked.

"Let's just say that it's very rare to ever smell anything delicious coming from this kitchen. I had to investigate." he replied.

"Well, in that case, welcome to Reese Lavek's 24 Hour Kitchen...now on the road." I beamed.

"Very nice. These look delicious." he started reaching for one of the cucpakes, so I ended up whacking his hand with my icing spatula.


"You can have one after Blaine proposes." I said.

"What if he proposes and Kurt says no?" he asked. Oh...that didn't strike my mind.

"...Congradulations. You just volunterred youself to bring these cupcakes to a homeless shelter with me if this proposal turns into a travesty." I replied. Sebastian just laughed at me.

"I got to say, don't take this the wrong way but I'm surprised to see you taking this so professionally." I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Well I mean, after the last time we met I brutally told we I wanted to break-up. I thought you would've been angry with me." I replied.

"No, you know something I was for while, than I realised that I'd just be wasting my time and...it wouldn't help me control myself. I was going to go insane after a while." he replied. He needs to teach me his technique because I'm pretty close to having a nervous break down.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that night. I do owe you an explanation but..." Sebastian had a hopeful look in his eyes, "...I can't tell you what it is. When the time is right I promise you will have every detail necessary." I said. That hopeful look disappeared.

"I respect that. I just miss getting to see you. And you're still in Ohio and...it makes it harder." he said.

"I know, but...I need you to trust that I know what I'm doing. And as soon as I fix...this...you will be the first person I call. Promise." I replied.

"Alright, do you think we can still be friends?" he asked. I smiled and extended my hand.

"Friends." I said. We shook on it, then I found myself taken by surprise when he kissed me! 

"M-No! Okay? That is not what friends do." I said as I pulled away from him.

"Couldn't help myself. Could you blame me?" he asked. I looked down at my body. I am pretty cute if I do say so myself. Plus, the neckline on my dress was cut kind of low...

"No I couldn't, I am pretty cute." I beamed. Sebastian laughed at me, then picked up one of the cupcakes.

"Do these taste as good as they look?" he asked.

"You will find out in a couple days. In the mean time, would you like to help me so I won't get any hand cramps? I need my right hand to set up my sowing machine." I said.

"Sure." he took off his coat and undid his tie, then grabbed one of the piping bags I had bought and scooped out the rainbow icing from the bowl.

"So, how do I do it like you did there? In that rose pattern?" he asked. 

"So just squeeze gently...and...there you go." I placed my hands over his, and gently guided him to recreate the pattern like the other cakes.

"Cool." I looked up at him, and we just stayed like that. Maybe for twenty, thirty seconds? I couldn't blame myself, his eyes were beautiful. If anybody walked in on us, they would've assumed the obvious.

"So, you-you got it?" I asked him.

"Yeah, thanks." he muttered soflty. I slowly released my grip from his hands, then continued to ice my own cupcakes. Until...

"Hey Reese." he called.

"Yeah?" when I turned my head, I ended up getting a squirt of icing on my face, while Sebastian started laughing.

"Nice, nice. Really" I said, taking a cloth and scraping the goop off.

"I guess I haven't lost my touch then." he beamed.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes really." he replied. I smirked, then grabbed an egg and smashed it into his hair. It was my turn to laugh while he shook his head and snickered, egg goop dripping from his hair.

"You're gonna get it now." he took a handfull of flour and threw it at me, staining my blue dress. I grabbed some chocolate chips and tossed them at his chest. Flour and sugar went flying everywhere, chocolate batter splattered onto the floor from the counterattackes we launched at each other, while childish laughter filled the air. We were eighteen and nineteen, and acting like little kids. We were still laughing at the end, trying to regain breathing, it was hard though, we both looked insanely hilarious.

"You look like a mess." he laughed.

"You ain't no raving beauty yourself maestro." I shot back, no where near getting a hold of myself. That was until...

"What the hell?" Trent stood at the door, with a confused look on his face.

"Oh God, hey Trent." Sebastian greeted him, panted doing so.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"We're baking." I replied.

"I can see that." he said, trying to find a way to get himself out of the awkward situation. "Um..Sebastian...Professor McNab want you back in class, you might wanna change your shirt. You too Reese." he said.

"Right I'll um...I'll be right there." he said. Trent gave a small nod before leaving with the awkwardest of looks on his face. We looked at each other, then started laughing again.

"Did you see his face?" I asked him.

"We've scarred him for life."

Mistakes We Made (Glee FF/Sebastian Smythe) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now